This is a python flask base mini we application that has functionality of
GET /api/v1.0/birds
- List all birdsPOST /api/v1.0/birds
- Add a new birdGET /api/v1.0/birds/{id}
- Get details on a specific birdDELETE /api/v1.0/birds/{id}
- Delete a bird by id
MongoDb should be setup on the machine.
Clone the repo-
git clone https://github.com/MMohan1/Bird-library.git
create a virtual env and activate it
virtualenv birds_venv . birds/bin/activate
install the require python packages - got to clone repo and inside Bird-library run
pip install -r requirements.txt
change the app confuguration if require - go to open /Bird-library/birds/config.ini and make change for mongo and app port
run the app
python run.py
Please view #birds.json from flow and how to test.