Design an API Gateway CLI tool, rgate There is backend services with whom this api getway will connect.
- Each backend is a container.
- A container is selected as a backend if the container has all the match_labels present as Docker labels. If there are multiple containers matching, select a random container as a backend.
- Incoming http requests are routed to the corresponding backend if the path starts with the given path_prefix.
- If there are no routes matching the request, it should respond with the given body and status_code in the default_response
- If the backend is down, respond with 503 code
- Accessing http://localhost:8080/stats should give us information about the traffic it has received so far. An example JSON response is
“requests_count” : {
“success”: 100, // status codes 200-399
“error”: 110, // status codes >399
“latency_ms”: {
“average”: 2,
“p95”: 5,
“p99”: 10
- Not using any data storage. Keeping the request metadata like letency inside application global variable.
- So if we restart the app the existing data will be lost.
- Code is easy to extend if tomorrow we want to store request metadata in any datastorage.
- Docker conatiner is running in local.
- Python3.7
- Flask
(rgate_venv) mac@macs-mbp rgate % coverage report -m
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
rgate_app/ 17 8 53% 14-16, 21-23, 28-29
rgate_app/ 22 3 86% 19, 32-33
rgate_app/ 14 6 57% 19, 23-26, 33
rgate_app/ 49 2 96% 54, 59
rgate_app/ 29 7 76% 14-16, 33-36
rgate_app/ 26 4 85% 33, 37-40
rgate_app/tests/ 27 0 100%
rgate_app/tests/ 5 0 100%
rgate_app/tests/ 82 0 100%
rgate_app/tests/ 34 0 100%
rgate_app/tests/ 12 0 100% 23 23 0% 1-57
TOTAL 340 53 84%
- Clone this repo and goinside api-gateway directory (git clone && cd api-gateway)
- Install python 3.7.
- Create venv ->
python3.7 -m venv ../api-gateway_venv
- Activate venve
. ../api-gateway_venv/bin/activate
- Install packages ->
pip install -r requirements.txt
- run app ->
python -c /Users/mac/Projects/rgate/config.yml -p 6000
(here -c is for giving the config file path and -p for providing port number) - Access the stats api using GET
- Access other api's like
- Run test cases
nose2 -v rgate_app.tests
- Run test case with coverage
coverage run --source . -m unittest discover -s rgate_app/tests
- Get test coverage report
coverage report -m
- Install Docker
- Follow this -> (Conatiner labels added as config file for
prefix) - Access api
you should get responseFlask inside Docker