
Django tutorial application built using Requests, Bower, Twitter Bootstrap and Github API


To install the required libraries for this file, simply run the following:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This project also requires using Bower, which requires NPM. In order to get NPM, simple install Node.js. Once you have node, you can install Bower:

 npm install -g bower

Note: On a Mac, you'll need to use:

 sudo npm install -g bower

With Bower, you can install the front-end dependencies by running:

 bower install

This will generate the static folder along with bootstrap and jquery inside it.

Running the project

To run this project:

# Setup the database
python makemigrations
python migrate

# Run the server
python runserver

You can now visit the following URLS:


Developer Setup

default app setup is developer setup.the set up settings are in the githuppapi/ file. DEVELOPER_SETUP MAX_GITHUB_SEARCH

The DEVELOPER_SETUP is boolena that means is set is developer or Prod.
MAX_GITHUB_SEARCH - maximaum how many search results will be store in developer data base. The max size is 100.    

Producation SetUp

Producation setup require the Rabbitmq and python Celery. The celery Configuration is require to run the app. Once the rabbitmq and celey setup done. change the githuppapi/ DEVELOPER_SETUP to False and the Celery config to search and store the results in background.


To see the stored results Follow the steps To create the django admin superuser:

python createsuperuser

You can now visit the following URLS:



Run the test suite:

python test