Django GitHub Search application built using Requests, Bower, Twitter Bootstrap and Github API
To install the required libraries for this file, simply run the following:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This project also requires using Bower, which requires NPM. In order to get NPM, simple install Node.js. Once you have node, you can install Bower:
npm install -g bower
Note: On a Mac, you'll need to use:
sudo npm install -g bower
With Bower, you can install the front-end dependencies by running:
bower install
This will generate the static folder along with bootstrap and jquery inside it.
To run this project:
# Setup the database
python migrate
python makemigrations
# Run the server
python runserver
You can now visit the following URLS:
Run the test suite:
python test
Given a target website to you Github at which allows finding results based on input search query. Use the search box to perform search based on input query - artifical intelligence. Provide answers to below questions -
- Github url and description of top 50 projects having maximum stars given by the users for the input query. Note description / title will be available on click of the title of the search result
- Unique list of programming languages involved in top 50 projects
- Average star rating of all top 50 projects