
This Project is Part of the Digital Image Processing Course Offered by ASUFE

Primary LanguagePython


Required Libraries

OpenCV, Matplotlib, Numpy, tqdm, Scipy, Tensorflow To make sure you are fully equipped copy the following lines and paste them in terminal

pip3 install tensorflow
sudo apt-get install python3-scipy
sudo apt install python3-opencv
sudo apt install python-numpy
sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib
sudo apt install python3-tqdm   

YOLOv3 Wieghts

please download the weights of YOLOv3-416 from Darknet and add it into Yolo folder

Running the code

Add The Input video to the project folder and then run one these lines in terminal

No Debugging

bash perception.sh input_video.mp4 ouput_video.mp4 yolo debug_mode=0  



bash perception.sh input_video.mp4 ouput_video.mp4 yolo debug_mode=1
