allesfitter is a convenient wrapper around the packages ellc (light curve and RV models), dynesty (static and dynamic nested sampling) emcee (Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling) and celerite (Gaussian Process models).
Jupyter NotebookMIT
- 7
Single Lined (SB1) Binaries in Allesfitter
#80 opened by andreok - 1
Phase plot containing unlikely models
#79 opened by YasminDavis - 0
- 1
error in windows system
#77 opened by cianalei89 - 0
Error on startup: deprecated
#76 opened by jabienias - 0
Results folder just partly populated
#75 opened by MichaelW-B - 2
np.float deprecated
#74 opened by MichaelW-B - 0
How to make custom plot of phased RV or lightcurves
#73 opened by zjwhale - 4
- 1
Star spots tutorial not available
#72 opened by mdredyanahmed - 0
allesclass bug
#70 opened by franpoz - 2
Quasi Periodic Kernal?
#55 opened by aspolanski - 1
Phase Curves tutorial
#69 opened by ldoyle4 - 2
- 2
Question: SNR value of final fit
#68 opened by martindevora - 1
New release
#67 opened by martindevora - 3
Unable to apply logarithmic Limb darkening law
#65 opened by ganesh1076 - 2
- 5
Installation error in 'ellc' package
#63 opened by sam687 - 1
Implement alternative light curve models
#61 opened by MNGuenther - 4
- 0
Implement enhanced CHEOPS detrending
#60 opened by MNGuenther - 0
Customising plots - model kwargs not working
#58 opened by gdransfield - 0
Plotting bug for RM-Effect
#59 opened by MNGuenther - 0
Quick setup
#56 opened by MNGuenther - 3
Issue with 01 tutorial
#51 opened by jmccormac01 - 1
Small bug creating keys for baseline offsets (RV)
#50 opened by mycojo - 7
[Bug] show_initial_guess exits ungracefully
#52 opened by martindevora - 1
- 2
TTVs transit numbers differ
#47 opened by martindevora - 2
TTVs preparation plots with gaps
#46 opened by martindevora - 2
- 1
Error generating ns_output
#49 opened by martindevora - 3
- 1
Typo in ttvs plot
#44 opened by martindevora - 1
plot_MCMC_corner() breaks in 1D
#43 opened by altuson - 0
Make the GUI more intuitive for flare fitting
#42 opened by MNGuenther - 2
copious maplotlib warnings
#39 opened by mwcraig - 2
- 0
Improve documentation
#29 opened by MNGuenther - 4
- 5
[Error] NS_output not generated
#35 opened by martindevora - 1
- 3
- 2
Double Lined (SB2) Binaries in Allesfitter
#37 opened by JackActon96 - 2
Import fails in Python 3.9
#38 opened by mwcraig - 1
- 2 shows rv_err as nans
#30 opened by jvines - 2
Wotan not really optional
#31 opened by jvines - 1
UltraNest support
#28 opened by JohannesBuchner