
Wrapper for astropy and cfitsio readers for NGTS data files

Primary LanguagePython


Wrapper for astropy and cfitsio readers for NGTS data files. This readme contains:

  1. Quick overview
  2. Installation
  3. Examples
  4. Parameter descriptions
  5. List of all valid keys (continued from 2)
  6. Execution time comparison


0. Quick overview: get - find - save

Return a python dictionary with all requested data for an NGTS field:

ngtsio.get(fieldname, ngts_version, keys, obj_id=None, obj_row=None, time_index=None, time_date=None, time_hjd=None, time_actionid=None, bls_rank=1, indexing='fits', fitsreader='fitsio', simplify=True, fnames=None, root=None, roots=None, silent=False, set_nan=False)

Find the OBJ_ID for given RA and Dec:

ngtsio.find(RA, DEC, ngts_version='all', unit='hmsdms', frame='icrs', give_obj_id=True, search_radius=0.0014, field_radius=2., outfname=None)

ngtsio.find_list(fname, usecols=(0,1), ngts_version='all', unit='hmsdms', frame='icrs', give_obj_id=True, search_radius=0.014, field_radius=2., outfname=None)

Save all requested data to a pickle file (e.g. as starting point for global fitting):

ngtsio.save(outfilename, fieldname, ngts_version, keys, obj_id=None, obj_row=None, time_index=None, time_date=None, time_hjd=None, time_actionid=None, bls_rank=1, indexing='fits', fitsreader='fitsio', simplify=True, fnames=None, root=None, roots=None, silent=False, set_nan=False)

1. Installation

pip install -U ngtsio

2. Examples

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ngtsio import ngtsio

a) Get and plot the detrended lightcurve for one object

i. on Warwick's or Cambridge's NGTS cluster

dic = ngtsio.get( 'NG0304-1115', 'CYCLE1706', ['OBJ_ID','HJD','SYSREM_FLUX3'], obj_id='00046' )
plt.plot( dic['HJD'], dic['SYSREM_FLUX3'], 'k.' )
plt.title( dic['OBJ_ID'] )

ii. on your own system, simply give the root directory path via

root = 'User/johnwayne/ngts-data/'
dic = ngtsio.get( 'NG0304-1115', 'CYCLE1706', ['OBJ_ID','HJD','SYSREM_FLUX3'], obj_id='00046', root=root )


roots = {}
roots['nights'] = 'User/johnwayne/foo/'
roots['sysrem'] = ''
roots['bls'] = 'User/johnwayne/bar/'
roots['canvas'] = 'User/johnwayne/spam/'
dic = ngtsio.get( 'NG0304-1115', 'CYCLE1706',  ['OBJ_ID','HJD','SYSREM_FLUX3'], obj_id='00046', roots=roots )

Note: the directory structure needs to be such that root contains at least one directory like 'TEST16A', which then again contains the nightly fits files, or a directory like 'bls' or 'canvas'. If your directories are not set up like this, you have the option to give the exact filenames via the fnames command (but therefore cannot easily toggle between versions & fields).

b) Get and plot the mean locations of the first 100 listed objects on the CCD (on Warwick's NGTS cluster)

(note that 'CCD_X' denotes the mean location, while 'CCDX' is the location per exposure)

dic = ngtsio.get( 'NG0304-1115', 'CYCLE1706', ['CCD_X','CCD_Y'], obj_row=range(1,101) )
plt.plot( dic['CCD_X'], dic['CCD_Y'], 'k.' )

c) Get the BLS results of some candidates (on Warwick's NGTS cluster)

(note that obj_id 11 is not a BLS candidate, and that obj_id 1337 does not exist at all)

dic = ngtsio.get( 'NG0304-1115', 'CYCLE1706', ['DEPTH','PERIOD','WIDTH'], obj_id=[11,46,49,54,1337] )
print dic

d) Get and print a bunch of keys with various non-standard settings (on Warwick's NGTS cluster)

dic = get( 'NG0304-1115', 'CYCLE1706', ['OBJ_ID','SYSREM_FLUX3','RA','DEC','HJD','FLUX','PERIOD','WIDTH'], obj_row=range(0,10), time_date='20151104', indexing='python', fitsreader='pyfits', simplify=False )
for key in dic:
    print '------------'
    print key, dic[key].shape
    print dic[key]
    print '------------'

e) Compare two objects between CYCLE1706 and TEST18 (on Warwick's NGTS cluster)

dic1706 = ngtsio.get('NG0522-2518', 'CYCLE1706', ['OBJ_ID','RA','DEC','FLUX_MEAN','SYSREM_FLUX3'], obj_id=112)
dic18 = ngtsio.get('NG0522-2518', 'TEST18', ['OBJ_ID','RA','DEC','FLUX_MEAN','SYSREM_FLUX3'], obj_id=112)

3. Parameters descriptions

####Required parameters:

#####fieldname (string): name of the NGTS-field, e.g.


#####ngtsversion (string): From which directory shall the files be read? (Standard is usually the latest release. Irrelevant if filenames are given manually via fnames=fnames.)

#####keys (string / array of strings): which parameters shall be read out from the fits files, e.g.

'RA', 'DEC', ...
'HJD', 'FLUX', 'SYSREM_FLUX3', ...

See below for other valid requests.

####Optional parameters:

#####obj_id, obj_row (int / string / textfile / array of int / array of string) identifier of the objects to be read out. If empty, all objects will be retrieved. Only either obj_id or obj_row can be chosen as input, not both. obj_id reads out objects by their object IDs. obj_row reads the requested rows from the fits file. Examples:

obj_id = 46,    obj_id = '046',    obj_id = '00046',    obj_id = [46,57,1337],    obj_id = range(1,100),    obj_id = 'object_ids.txt'
obj_row = 1,    obj_row = [1,2,3,1337],     obj_row = range(1,100),     obj_row = 'object_rows.txt'

#####time_index, time_date, time_hjd, time_actionid (int / string / textfile / array of int / array of string) identifier of the times/exposures to be read out. If empty, all times/exposures will be retrieved. Only either of these can be chosen as input, not more than one. time_index reads out the requested columns from the fits file, and hence allows to read out as little as one exposure. time_date reads all exposures per given calendar date(s). time_hjd reads all exposures per given HJD-date (only HJD values given as integers are accepted). time_actionid reads all exposures per given action ID. Examples:

time_index = 1,    time_index = [1,2,3,1337],    time_index = range(1,100),    time_index = 'time_indices.txt'
time_date = 20151104,    time_date = '20151104',    time_date = '2015-11-04',    time_date = '2015/11/04',    time_date = 'dates.txt'
time_hjd = 674,    time_hjd = [674,675,680],    time_hjd = 'hjds.txt'
time_actionid = 108583,    time_actionid = [108583,133749],    time_actionid = 'actionids.txt'      

#####indexing (string) following which format are the obj_rows and time_indices given (standard is 'fits')?

    'fits': indexing rows from 1
    'python': indexing rows from 0    

#####fitsreader (string) 'pyfits' or 'astropy': use the astropy.io.fits module. 'fitsio' or 'cfitsio': use the fitsio module (standard) fitsio seems to perform best, see below for performance tests.

#####simplify (boolean) if True and only one object is requested, it simplifies the dictionary entries into 1D nd.arrays (otherwise they will be 2D nd.arrays with an empty dimension). Standard is True.

#####fnames (dictionary) Leave blank if you want to run it on Warwick's NGTS cluster. This allows to manually pass a dictionary of filenames, if different than the directory structure on NGTSHEAD. Contains the following keys:

    fnames['sysrem'] (only needed previous to TEST16A)
    fnames['bls'] (optional)
    fnames['canvas'] (optional)

#####root (string) Leave blank if you want to run it on Warwick's NGTS cluster. This allows to manually pass a root directory, if different than the directory structure on NGTSHEAD. The root directory structure has to be structured as:

    root/TEST16A/[*.fits, sysrem, bls, canvas].

#####roots (dictionary) Leave blank if you want to run it on Warwick's NGTS cluster. This allows to manually pass different root directories, if different than the directory structure on NGTSHEAD. Contains the following keys:

    roots['sysrem'] (only needed previous to TEST16A)
    roots['bls'] (optional)
    roots['canvas'] (optional)

#####silent (boolean) Whether a short report should be printed or not.

#####set_nan (boolean) Whether all flagged values in CCDX/Y, CENDTX/Y and FLUX should be replaced with NAN or not (if not, they might be zeros or any reasonable/unreasonable real numbers).

4. List of all valid keys

####a) Nightly Summary Fits file #####From 'CATALOGUE' (per object):


#####From 'IMAGELIST' (per image):

From image data (per object and per image):

b) Sysrem Fits File

#####Sysrem flux data (per object and per image):


####c) BLS Fits File

#####From 'CATALOGUE' (for all objects):


#####From 'CANDIDATE' data (only for candidates):


####d) CANVAS Text File (if existant)


####e) DILUTION Fits File (if existant)


5. Execution time comparison, pyfits vs cfitsio:

#####all objects, all times dic = get( 'NG0304-1115', 'CYCLE1706', ['OBJ_ID','RA','DEC','HJD','FLUX'], fitsreader='fitsio' ) dic = get( 'NG0304-1115', 'CYCLE1706', ['OBJ_ID','RA','DEC','HJD','FLUX'], fitsreader=‘pyfits’ )

fitsio average time per run (out of 10 runs): 2.36079950333
pyfits average time per run (out of 10 runs): 3.70509300232

#####1 object, all times dic = get( 'NG0304-1115', 'CYCLE1706', ['OBJ_ID','RA','DEC','HJD','FLUX'], obj_row=1, fitsreader='fitsio’ ) dic = get( 'NG0304-1115', 'CYCLE1706', ['OBJ_ID','RA','DEC','HJD','FLUX'], obj_row=1, fitsreader='pyfits' )

fitsio average time per run (out of 10 runs): 0.0335123062134
pyfits average time per run (out of 10 runs): 0.368131780624

#####100 object, all times dic = get( 'NG0304-1115', 'CYCLE1706', ['OBJ_ID','RA','DEC','HJD','FLUX'], obj_row=range(1,3501,35), fitsreader='fitsio’ ) dic = get( 'NG0304-1115', 'CYCLE1706', ['OBJ_ID','RA','DEC','HJD','FLUX'], obj_row=range(1,3501,35), fitsreader='pyfits' )

fitsio average time per run (out of 10 runs): 0.123349809647
pyfits average time per run (out of 10 runs): 0.462261390686