
Video library application constructed from the ground up by four aspiring software developers from Zip Code Wilmington. The video library app functions similar to sites like Youtube and Netflix.

Primary LanguageJava

ZT Logo Github

ZipTube v7.0 - Micro Web Application

  • Objective - to create an implementation of a small web service
  • Purpose - to demonstrate the construction of a full-stacked web-application, development of both front end (client side) and back end(server side) portions of web application, hosting on cloud services for deployment.



Back End of ZipTube Application

Front End of ZipTube Application

Video Library Application

User Interaction

  • As a client, (logged in) I

    • can upload new videos
    • can view list of all videos
    • can filter videos by category
    • can post simple text-comments on a video
    • can get in contact with developers
    • can view profile
    • can like or dislike videos
    • view history of watched videos
    • logout of account
  • As a client, (not logged in) I

    • can view list of all videos
    • login into account via auth0
    • make an account via auth0

Developmental Notes

Tech Stack

  • UML Diagram - PlantUML
  • Wireframe - Mockflow
  • Visual UI/Front end - Reactjs
  • Business Logic/Back end - Java built on Maven with Spring Boot framework
  • Data Layer - MySQL hosted with AWS RDS
  • Cloud - Backend logic hosted by Heroku. Frontend hosted with AWS Amplify. AWS S3 buckets for video storage.


Back End

  • Use Spring Initializer to create an starting point for you application
  • Project Lombok
  • AWS S3 Access Keys

Front End

  • npm install for React
  • import React-Bootstrap, auth0-react, react-router-don, react-promist-tracker, emailjs-com

Running the Application

Back End

  • You can run back-end by running the VideoAppApplication.java from: com/GroupProject/VideoApp/VideoAppApplication.java

Front End

  • You can run reactjs with: npm start


ZT Login

ZT Home Page Trending

ZT Video page

ZT Explore

ZT Upload

ZT User Profile

ZT History

ZT Support