This script is used to extract data from a web application vulnerable to SQL injection and that you know how to extract it. This is not a tool to find SQL injection.
python3 -m pip install requirements.txt
usage: [-h] [-r REQUEST] [-o DIRECTORY] [-l {debug,info,warning,error,critical}] [-c]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r REQUEST, --request REQUEST
File containing an HTTP request to set the URL, method, data, cookies and headers. Don't forget to setup the {payload} and
logging arguments:
Directory where to put the logging file (default is 'results'.)
-l {debug,info,warning,error,critical}, --logging-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}
Default warning
-c, --useColor Use color for the logging in console.
Run the script once without parameters to create a configuration file.
$ python3
New configuration file created: configurations/
Setup your configuration and then use:
python3 configurations/
Then, modify the newly created file to setup your configurations and then execute that configuration by running the script again with the file in parameter.
python3 configurations/
- Save state to continue where the script ended.
- Improving length and count queries as they are not efficient and uses more requests than letting the script finding a null byte.
- Make it possible to provide an HTTP request in a file and parse it.
- Add fine tuning for indexes. Example, a DBMS that starts at 1 instead of 0. (substring, offset)
- Binary with MSSQL does not work and needs to be implemented.