🎨SwiftUI version is available as beta👶
Bitrise iOS Client app 🚀
- ✅ App List
GET /me/apps
- Shows last visited app page on launch
- ✅ Build List
- Show builds
- Abort
- Rebuild
- ✅ Trigger
- Add/Delete workflowIDs
- Cache workflowIDs, API token and last gitObject using Realm
- Trigger Build for each app
- ✅ bitrise.yml
- download / upload
- Syntax Highlight
Building Project
Init submodule
git submodule update --init -f
Setup Carthage
Install the latest version of Carthage.
brew install carthage
Run following to build dependency frameworks.
carthage bootstrap --platform iOS
Generate xcodeproj
Install the latest version of XcodeGen.
Then generate xcodeproj.
Open the xcodeproj, build and run.
in configs/user.xcconfig
Set So you don't have to modify it from Xcode everytime after you run xcodegen
Required Credentials
You need credentials below to use full feature of this app.
All tokens are securely stored in encrypted Realm database. Corresponding encryption key is stored in your keychain. It's the way Realm recommends.
Bitrise Personal Access Token
Required to access Bitrise v0.1 API. Generate one in the setting page.
SeeAlso: http://devcenter.bitrise.io/api/v0.1/#authentication
If you think it's a useful tool, consider donation to maintain project.