
Data pipelines for datasets that are part of the Recovery Data Partnership project

Primary LanguagePLpgSQL

Recovery Data Partnership


  1. To make data download easier for programers, we created rdptools, a python package that provides easy access to files stored in RDPDataRepository

  2. Checkout our sample notebooks under examples. Open In Colab

  3. For official metadata, please head to the sharepoint site


data partners

The NYC Recovery Data Partnership (RDP) is a first-of-its-kind effort for community, non-profit, and private organizations to share data with the City to aid in Covid-19 response and recovery efforts. Data shared by partner organizations is provided free-of-charge to bolster understanding of how industry, service delivery, and the lived experiences of New Yorkers have been impacted by Covid-19, and will help to inform programmatic and policy decisions for an equitable recovery.

The Recovery Data Partnership is chaired by the Mayor's Office of Policy and Planning, the Mayor's Office of Data Analytics, and the Mayor's Office of Operations, with counsel from the City's Chief Privacy Officer and is centered on principles of privacy, fairness, accountability, and transparency.

If you have any questions about the Recovery Data Partnership, send an email to RecoveryData@cityhall.nyc.gov. Sign up for updates from the RDP team

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Prospective Partners: Want to Share Data with the City

Please complete the New Data Partner Application form to help familiarize us with your organization, and contextualize your organization's data and information that could aid in the City's Covid-19 response and recovery. Applications are rolling, and the City anticipates announcing a second cohort of partners in late summer.

The City welcomes applications from community, non-profit, and private organizations. Criteria for evaluating organization applications to join as data partners include but are not limited to:

  • Significant organization NYC presence and NYC data
  • Applicability for use in City's analysis to support Covid-19 response and recovery efforts
  • Frequently updated and standardized data, as opposed to static or snapshots
  • Representation across NYC neighborhoods, and granularity (e.g. neighborhood, census block)
  • Data is responsibly collected with consent and de-identified demographic data from users (e.g. age, race, gender)
  • Baseline historical data that enables pre-Covid-19 comparisons
  • Technical capacity to support building automation of data transfer

Current Data Partners

A list of current partners and the data they are sharing with the City is below:

Partner Data Being Shared
StreetEasy, Zillow Group's NYC brand Weekly real estate market metrics by neighborhood.
LinkedIn LinkedIn Hiring Rate, a real-time measure of hiring activity based on LinkedIn members who add a new employer to their profile.
Kinsa Aggregated rates of illness and atypical illness from Kinsa smart thermometer readings.
Foursquare Aggregated foot traffic data by neighborhood and specific types of businesses.
BetaNYC and a coalition of neighborhood groups

Community-maintained directories of businesses and other essential services, their hours, and other details during the Covid-19 pandemic.

ioby Descriptions of community-based crowdfunding projects and donation transactions.
SafeGraph Business listings, building footprints/polygons, and anonymized foot traffic data.
OATS Sociodemographic information and the degree tech usage/fluency of OATS users, older adults seeking age-appropriate technology training.
Cuebiq Aggregate mobility and density insights, and visit trends to key points of interest, such as businesses, public venues and transportation stations.
Upsolve Demographic information about New Yorkers signing up for personal bankruptcy services and why they are filing for bankruptcy.
Urban Systems Lab Survey results on access to parks and open space during the pandemic.

City Agencies: Want to Access the Data for Analysis

Before receiving access to partnership datasets, all City agencies are required to submit an application to the RDP team that describes their intended responsible data use and analysis. Use cases will be reviewed by Partnership staff, with input from a panel of external advisors (described below). City agencies may begin submitting use applications to access data in late July 2020.

The application form and data catalog will be linked here as soon as they are available.

Leadership and Staff

Dominic Williams serves as a Co-Chair and Chief Policy Officer and Director of the Mayor's Office of Policy and Planning.

Kelly Jin serves as a Co-Chair and as Chief Analytics Officer and Director of the Mayor's Office of Data Analytics.

Jeff Thamkittikasem serves as a Co-Chair and Director of the Mayor's Office of Operations.

Staff from the Mayor's Office of Policy and Planning, the Mayor's Office of Data Analytics, and the Mayor's Office of Operations support the initiative.


To support the Recovery Data Partnership, the City has engaged advisors who are data experts and practitioners from academic institutions and community-based organizations to draw on their expertise to provide input on potential data uses. Advisors include:

  • Erica Bond - Data Collaborative for Justice, Chief Policy Strategist
  • Sophia Halkitis - Citizens Committee for Children New York, Research and Data Team
  • Robinson Hernandez - Company, Executive Director of the Urban Tech Hub
  • Shaina Horowitz - New Lab, Vice President of Product & Programs
  • Aankit Patel - CUNY, Director of STEM Education Programs
  • Stefaan Verhulst - GovLab, Cofounder and Chief Research and Development Officer
  • Alice Xiang - AI Researcher

Guiding Principles of the Partnership

The City has designed this partnership with New Yorkers and the following principles in mind:

Equity and Fairness: The City aims to seek and use representative data of the lived experiences of New Yorkers from all backgrounds and geographies to inform efforts for an equitable recovery. Transparency and Accountability: The Recovery Data Partnership team will review all proposed City uses of data provided by partners, and information about data uses will be made publicly available for New Yorkers to see how data is being used through analysis. Partnership advisors will have an opportunity to contribute their ideas and expertise as part of the City's review process. Privacy: The City takes protecting and being a custodian of New Yorkers' information very seriously. All partners have agreed to adhere to City privacy and confidentiality guidelines, and the City will restrict data access to agencies and analysts with approved Covid-19-related use cases.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the Recovery Data Partnership, send an email to RecoveryData@cityhall.nyc.gov.