Code Challenge


Tamim Hamoudi (thamudi), Rawan Nujoom, Dario Thornhill

Exam set up

  • Fork this repository
  • Clone your forked repository into your computer
  • cd into the folder that was created
  • run the command :
    • npm install
    • This will install all the required packages that you will need to work with.
  • To test if your code is working use npm run test
  • You should solve your challenges inside challenge.test.js
  • DO NOT change any of the test units

Exam Instructions

You will have 30 minutes to solve these code challenges:

After you are placed in your room you will need to do the following: ❗

Share your screen ⬅️ ❗
Open your camera ⬅️ ❗
Start recording yourself. ⬅️ ❗
After You are done with the code challenges you will need to submit the following to your instructor: ❗

Your github forked repo ‼️
Your recording ‼️

No viewing of previous code is allowed; not event your own code challenges solutions. ❌

No communication is allowed (Slack, Facebook, whatsapp, smoke signals ..etc) ❌

No notes are allowed:

github gist ❌
notes ❌
.txt notes ❌
google sheets ...etc ❌
including paper notes ❌
You are allowed to use google for searching ✔️

Do not go to sites which have repositorties such as (,, ❌
The only sites allowed from github is this repo that you will be forking into your own account.