
More or less usefull stuff for the lab at HVL Førde.


More or less usefull stuff for the lab at HVL Førde.


Conveyor, LM900, PWM, and MPA, are all red Instrutek teaching models from ye olden days. This repo contains IO lists for these models, and more or less useful stuff.

Conveyor: a two part conveyor with a pneumatic feeder of "pucks", a pneumatic arm to lift pucks from conveyor 1 to 2, and two trays with pneumatic pusher arms for sorting at then end of line.

LM900: two connected water tanks and an analouge pump.

PWM: a motor with variable load.

MPA: two connected water tanks, 3 on/off pumps and a manual valve.

How to use

The most important files found in this repo are the IO lists, get those right then the HW config and physical connection at the lab should be a breeze.