This is sabotage, an experimental distribution based on musl libc and busybox. As of this release, sabotage supports both i386 and x86_64. Requirements: - ~4G free disk space - root access - usual GCC 4 toolchain - git - a bootloader of your choice (extlinux is favored) - lots of time and a fair bit of Linux knowledge This system has been built on up-to-date Gentoo, Exherbo and Arch systems. You can bootstrap your own build from the scripts at or use a ready-to-boot disk image either for netinstall or with sets included (put it on an USB stick, burning a CD will not work), to be found at: You also can netboot the install kernel directly (use pxelinux from somewhere). READ THE COOKBOOK FIRST. Build instructions: Caveat emptor, this is all pre-alpha! DO NOT RUN SCRIPTS YOU HAVE NOT READ. % cp KEEP/config.stage0 config % vi config $K directory with patches $S where sources are compiled (stage0: ~700MB, stage1: ~2.1GB) $R root file system % . ./config # required! % ./build-stage0 # build toolchain (~15min on a modern machine) % ./enter-chroot # enter $R chrooted, needs root password # cd /tmp/src/sabotage # absolute path required! # mk stage1 # rebuild stuff, build kernel (~1h) copy $R to a ext4 file-system # extlinux -i $R/boot # mk pkg # additional stuff # mk xorg # build See "mk help" for further options. The build is parallel-safe (MAKEFLAGS=-j<N>), but all packages are build sequentially. The default root password is "sabotage". There is a mailinglist, mail and follow instructions to get on it. Archives are at