
More-Tailored Keycloak

Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Keycloak repackaged and preconfigured for MORE


This repository contains a docker-compose.yaml that can be used as a (pretty complete) template to run Keycloak for the MORE Platform.

Additional Steps to start Keycloak for local development To start Keycloak for (local) development, you can deactivate some security settings to avoid problems with e.g. the SSL configuration:
docker run --name=keycloak \
  -p 8099:8080 \
  -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin \
  -e KC_HOSTNAME=localhost \
  -e KC_HOSTNAME_PORT=8099 \
  ghcr.io/more-platform/auth-keycloak:latest start-dev

After this, Keycloak will be available under http://localhost:8099/. You can login to the Master-realm using the provided admin-credentials (admin/admin).

Note: Do not forget to add http://localhost:8080/* and http://localhost:3000/* to the "Valid redirect URIs" when configuring the realm for MORE!

Hardening for Production

For Details on recommended configuration settings for production usage, please refer to the Keycloak Documentation.

Initial Configuration

However, after the first startup, some initial configuration-steps are required to prepare a dedicated Realm for MORE.

Some required variables/values during the setup:

AUTH_URL: https://auth.example.com/
STUDY_MANAGER_URL: https://study-manager.example.com/
LIMESURVEY_URL: https://limesurvey.example.com/
  1. Point your browser to https://auth.example.com/ and login with the init-credentials from the startup configuration.
  2. Create a new Realm: MORE-Platform and switch to the new Realm to configure it:
  3. Create Roles: In the navigation, go to Realm Roles and create the following roles:
    1. more-admin aka. MORE_ADMIN (System Administrator, Platform Administrator): Rights to manage users, emergency functions, no rights to see data or manipulate studies.
    2. more-operator aka. MORE_OPERATOR: Can create/initiate a new Study.
    3. more-viewer aka. MORE_VIEWER: Can access existing studies (based on assigned study-level roles).
  4. Create Groups: In the navigation, go to Groups and create the following groups:
    1. MORE Administrators: After creation, select the created group and go to the Role mapping-Tab to assign the role more-admin
    2. MORE Researcher: After creation, select the created group and go to the Role mapping-Tab to assign the role more-viewer
      1. Go to the Child Groups-Tab and create the group MORE Study Initiator: After creation, select the created sub-group and go to the Role mapping-Tab to assign the role more-operator
  5. Create an OpenId-Client for the Study-Manager
    • Client-Type: OpenID Connect
    • Client-ID: study-manager
    • Provide a name and description if applicable, then klick Next
    • Enable the Standard flow and then Save the realm.
    • In the "General Settings"-Section, enter the ${STUDY_MANAGER_URL} from above into "Root URL", "Home URL"
    • Add ${STUDY_MANAGER_URL}/* to the "Valid redirect URIs"
    • Press Save again.
  6. Create an OpenId-Client for Limesurvey
    • Client-Type: OpenID Connect
    • Client-ID: limesurvey
    • Provide a name and description if applicable, then klick Next
    • Enable Client authentication and the Standard flow, then Save the realm.
    • In the "General Settings"-Section, enter the ${LIMESURVEY_URL} from above into "Root URL", "Home URL"
    • Add ${LIMESURVEY_URL}/index.php/admin/authentication/sa/login to the "Valid redirect URIs"
    • Press Save again.
    • Take a note of the Client secret on the Credentials-tab.

Connect the Applications to Keycloak:

  • For the Studymanager use the following settings:

     OAUTH2_SERVER: https://auth.example.com/realms/More-Platform
     OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID: study-manager
     MORE_FE_KC_SERVER: https://auth.example.com/
     MORE_FE_KC_REALM: More-Platform
     MORE_FE_KC_CLIENT_ID: study-manager
  • For Limesurvey use the following settings:

     CLIENT_ID: limesurvey
     CLIENT_SECRET: secret-from-the-credentials-tab
     AUTHORIZE_URL: https://auth.example.com/realms/More-Platform/protocol/openid-connect/auth
     SCOPES: openid
     ACCESS_TOKEN_URL: https://auth.example.com/realms/More-Platform/protocol/openid-connect/token
     USER_DETAILS_URL: https://auth.example.com/realms/More-Platform/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo