
[BP-587] Change password functionality is not working

MithunKinarullathil opened this issue · 1 comments

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Issue Description

Change password functionality is not working

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install movai-flow (1.2.0-1)
  2. Open the IDE using desktop ICON
  3. Login using the default user (movai) and password (movai)
  4. Click on the Settings button on the left bottom corner
  5. Click on change password
  6. Fill in the details and press save

Actual Behaviour

A data is required error is poping up in the UI

Expected Behaviour

Change the password successfully with a message (green)




  • movai-flow: 1.2.0-1
  • movai-ide: 3.0.0-4

Possible workarounds

  • None

Additional Details

  • Installed packages: N/A

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