
The Memory Card Memory game a Project from the Udacity Grow With Google nannoodegree , it was really hard to start but finally is done

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Memory Game Project

What is the Memory Game

This is a simple game built to test a users memory. There's a deck of cards with different icons.


Match cards in less time with less moves.


  • Click on a card
  • Keep revealing cards and working your memory to remember each Card Place .
  • Match cards properly with less moves and in faster time , The Faster you do The Higer Score you Get .

How I built the Memory Game

  • created a deck of cards that shuffles when game is refreshed
  • created a counter that count the number of moves made by player and timer to know for your Score Time .
  • added animations to cards when they match and are unmatched
  • create a pop-up modal when player wins game .
  • Game Reset when player press Play Again .

 # Thank You