
shared confiugrations for typescript, eslint and prettier

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A shared configuration package for Biome and TypeScript. This package enforces strict coding standards to ensure uniform code style and prevent subtle bugs.


  • Strict Biome and TypeScript settings.
  • Scripts for linting and cleaning the project


To configure the package, use the following package.json or merge it with your current one:

	"scripts": {
		"dev": "x ...",
		"fix": "x fix",
		"check": "x check",
		"setup": "x setup"
	"devDependencies": { "@mp281x/shared-config": "latest" }

Confiuration files

Put these configs in the respective files


{ "extends": ["@mp281x/shared-config/tsconfig"] }


{ "extends": ["@mp281x/shared-config/biome"] }


# svelte/next/astro files

# output

# generated files

# vite

# other files/folders


This package includes a CLI for filtering and highlighting useful information from the logs of other tools.

Usage and Example

Prepend your command with x

	"scripts": "x vite dev"
pnpm run x vite dev