
A Python Proxy Scraper for gathering fresh proxies.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


version stars CodeFactor

A Python Proxy Scraper for gathering fresh proxies.

issues contributors

Install ProxyEater

To install ProxyEater, you can simply use the pip install ProxyEater command:

python -m pip install ProxyEater

Or you can clone the repository and run:

git clone https://github.com/MPCodeWriter21/ProxyEater
cd ProxyEater
python setup.py install


usage: ProxyEater [-h] [--source SOURCE] [--output OUTPUT] [--file-format { text, json, csv }]
                  [--format FORMAT] [--proxy-type PROXY_TYPE] [--include-status] [--threads
                  THREADS] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--url URL] [--verbose] [--quiet] [--version]
                  [--proxy PROXY] [--useragent USERAGENT] [--include-geolocation] [--no-check]
                  [--source-format { text, json, csv }] [--default-type { http, https, socks4,
                  socks5 }]

positional arguments:
  mode              Modes: Scrape, Check

  -h, --help
                        show this help message and exit
  --source SOURCE, -s SOURCE
                        The source of the proxies(default:%localappdata%\
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        The output file.
  --file-format { text, json, csv }, -ff { text, json, csv }
                        The format of the output file(default:text).
  --format FORMAT, -f FORMAT
                        The format for saving the proxies in text
  --proxy-type PROXY_TYPE, -type PROXY_TYPE
                        The type of the proxies(default:all).
  --include-status, -is
                        Include the status of the proxies in the output file.
  --threads THREADS, -t THREADS
                        The number of threads to use for scraping(default:25).
  --timeout TIMEOUT, -to TIMEOUT
                        The timeout of the requests(default:15).
  --url URL, -u URL
                        The url to use for checking the proxies(default:http://icanhazip.com).
  --verbose, -v
                        The verbose of the program(default:False).
  --quiet, -q
                        The quiet of the program(default:False).
  --version, -V
                        The version of the program.

  Scrape mode arguments

  --proxy PROXY, -p PROXY
                        The proxy to use for scraping.
  --useragent USERAGENT, -ua USERAGENT
                        The useragent of the requests(default:random).
  --include-geolocation, -ig
                        Include the geolocation info of the proxies in the output file.
  --no-check, -nc
                        Use this option to skip the checking of the proxies after

  Check mode arguments

  --source-format { text, json, csv }, -sf { text, json, csv }
                        The format of the source file(default:text).
  --default-type { http, https, socks4, socks5 }, -dt { http, https, socks4, socks5 }
                        The default type of the proxies - Use this if you are providing proxies
                        without scheme(default:http).


Author: CodeWriter21 (Mehrad Pooryoussof)

GitHub: MPCodeWriter21

Telegram Channel: @CodeWriter21

Aparat Channel: CodeWriter21





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