
This script is for changing your Telegram profile at a specified time. The script gets some profile photos based on the words you provide.

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram Profile Changer


This script is for changing your Telegram profiles at a specific time. The script gets some profile photos based on the words you provide.



Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/MPCodeWriter21/Telegram-Profile-Changer

Install the required libraries:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Add your api_hash and api_id into the .env file:



usage: main.py [-h] [-id API_ID] [-hash API_HASH] [-t TIME_TO_SLEEP] [-c] [-v] [-q]
                         categories [categories ...]

positional arguments:
  categories        Categories for profile photos.

  -h, --help
                        show this help message and exit
  -id API_ID, --api-id API_ID
                        Your telegram API-ID
  -hash API_HASH, --api-hash API_HASH
                        Your telegram API-HASH
  -t TIME_TO_SLEEP, --time-to-sleep TIME_TO_SLEEP
                        Change the profile every X seconds(Default: 1800)
  -c, --clean
                        Remove images from the storage after setting the profile.
  -v, --verbose
  -q, --quiet


# Changes the profile every 30 seconds and searches for images about one of the words: 
#   Python, Programming, Code, Computers
python main.py -t 30 Python Programming Code Computers


We need your support to add these features. Please support us by giving stars and sharing this source with your friends.

  • Advanced admin panel
  • The ability to write time on the photo
  • The ability to change the account name at the same time as the photo
  • The ability to change the account bio at the same time as the photo