NBMP This repository contains the schema and examples for the 2nd edition ISO/IEC 23090-8 Network Based Media Processing specification.
This repository contains the under-development schema. Specific releases are marked for to tied the specific version of the schema with each edition of the spec published by ISO/IEC.
This repository consist of the following files:
- nbmp-schema-definitions.json core schema definitions
- nbmp-function-schema.json Function Description Document schema
- nbmp-task-schema.json Task Description Document schema
- nbmp-workflow-schema.json Workflow Description Document schema
- nbmp-mpecapabilities-schema.json MPE Capabilities Description Document schema
- example-parameter-representation Configuration parameters example of ISO/IEC 23090-8, subclause 9.
- nbmp-segment-location-metadata-schema.json Segment location metadata JSON schema
- nbmp-segment-sequence-metadata-schema.json Segment sequence metadata JSON schema: ‘’
- function-RTP-.json* Function Reference Template parameters