
Geometry based point cloud compression (G-PCC) test model

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION




  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • cmake .. -G Xcode
  • open the generated xcode project and build it


  • mkdir build
  • cd build
  • cmake ..
  • make


  • md build
  • cd build
  • cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64"
  • open the generated visual studio solution and build it


This TMC13 codec implementation encodes frame sequences. A single binary contains the encoder and decoder implementation, with selection using the --mode option. Documentation of options is provided via the --help command line option.

Runtime configuration and configuration files

All command line parameters may be specified in a configuration file. A set of configuration file templates compliant with the current Common Test Conditions is provided in the cfg/ directory.


To generate the configuration files, run the gen-cfg.sh script:

mpeg-pcc-tmc13/cfg$ ../scripts/gen-cfg.sh --all

An example script (scripts/Makefile.tmc13-step) demonstrates how to launch the encoder, decoder and metric software for a single input frame. The VERBOSE=1 make variable shows the detailed command execution sequence. Further documentation of the parameters are contained within the script.

The following example encodes and decodes frame 0100 of the sequence Ford_01_q_1mm, making use of the configuration file cfg/lossy-geom-no-attrs/ford_01_q1mm/r01/encoder.cfg and storing the intermediate results in the output directory experiment/lossy-geom-no-attrs/ford_01_q1mm/r01/.

mpeg-pcc-tmc13$ make -f $PWD/scripts/Makefile.tmc13-step \
    -C experiment/lossy-geom-no-attrs/ford_01_q1mm/r01/ \
    VPATH=$PWD/cfg/octree-predlift/lossy-geom-no-attrs/ford_01_q1mm/r01/ \
    ENCODER=$PWD/build/tmc3/tmc3 \
    DECODER=$PWD/build/tmc3/tmc3 \
    PCERROR=/path/to/pc_error \
    SRCSEQ=/path/to/Ford_01_q_1mm/Ford_01_vox1mm-0100.ply \

  [encode]  Ford_01_vox1mm-0100.ply.bin <- /path/to/Ford_01_q_1mm/Ford_01_vox1mm-0100.ply
  [md5sum]  Ford_01_vox1mm-0100.ply.bin.md5
  [md5sum]  Ford_01_vox1mm-0100.ply.bin.ply.md5
  [decode]  Ford_01_vox1mm-0100.ply.bin.decoded.ply <- Ford_01_vox1mm-0100.ply.bin
  [md5sum]  Ford_01_vox1mm-0100.ply.bin.decoded.ply.md5
  [metric]  Ford_01_vox1mm-0100.ply.bin.decoded.ply.pc_error <- Ford_01_vox1mm-0100.ply.bin.decoded.ply

Intra and inter prediction

The yaml files stored directly under the cfg/ folder correspond to intra prediction, and yaml files stored under cfg/inter/ folder correspond to inter prediction. The gen-cfg.sh script is updated such that intra/inter prediction may be specified as an additional option to produce the configuration files corresponding to intra/inter prediction; alternately, the "--all" option may be used to generate the configuration for intra and inter prediction for all tool configurations.

After running the gen-cfg.sh script, the configuration files for intra and inter prediction are generated in separate folders. The configuration files corresponding to inter prediction are generated in folders with "-inter" suffix. For example, configuration files corresponding to octree and predicting/lifting transform using intra prediction are generated in the folder octree-predlift/ (as was the case in some earlier versions of the test model), and configuration files corresponding to octree and predicting/lifting transform using inter prediction are generated in the folder octree-predlift-inter/.