#Profilyze ######by Ben Sterenson, Lior Shkiller, Royee Guy and Michael Palarya

###Quick Overview Profilyze was initiated as part of a University project in Database Systems course.
It analyzes Facebook profile pictures using face recognition API, and stores the data on a MySQL server.
The app allows ranking, commenting and filtering search results based on visual attributes (age, gender, eye color, etc).

###The UI Based on a web application presenting users a search feature alongside dynamic graphs and charts to demonstrate statistical distribution of current database’s population.

Solution Stack:

  • Backend: PHP and MySQL
  • Frontend: Angularjs

  • printScreen


  • Facebook’s Graph API:

    • Used for retrieving profile picture's information
    • Method examples: graph.facebook.com/{uid}/picture?type=large
  • Betaface’s API:

    • Face recognition and analysis API providing visual characteristics
    • Method examples:
      1. UploadNewImage_Url
      2. GetImageInfo
      3. GetFaceInfo
  • Tinyurl’s API:

    • Handling Betaface API’s limitation of working with long links by creating an alternative
    • Method examples: tinyurl.com/api-create.php?url={url}

###Database layout To support individual users having several profile pictures, and profile pictures having both algorithm-based concluded results and application users’ ranking feeding the database, the database layout agreed is -


  • Primary keys are as follows -

    • User : FacebookId
    • Photos : Id
    • PhotoAttributes : Id
  • Users table is connected to photos in One To Many relationship

    • Each user can have many photos
    • CONSTRAINT Users_To_Photos FOREIGN KEY Users_To_Photos (FacebookId) REFERENCES Users (FacebookId);
  • Photos table is connected to attributes in One To Many relationship

    • Each photo can be rated by multiple users and an algorithm
    • CONSTRAINT Photos_To_Attributes FOREIGN KEY Photos_To_Attributes (PhotoId) REFERENCES Photos (Id);
  • PhotoAttributes table hold a UpdatedByUser boolean value to distinguish between users’ input and Betaface’s analysis.

  • FakePhotoId is used to save facebook photo ids that are used by more than one user (facebook creates a fake facebook profile and links all the users that have no profile picture to that user)

###The Workplan The project was split four ways:

  • Under the hood: Database creation, Facebook data management - Ben
  • Interface: Wrapper communication between DB, API and FrontEnd - Michael
  • Image Processing: API usage and data manipulation - Royee
  • Web Application: Frontend design and connection to Backend - Lior

Besides main responsibility distribution, each project member took part in writing the SQL queries, connecting the pieces of code together, reviewing one another’s work and assembling this document.