The goal of this coding exam is to quickly get you off the ground with Making API call with Fetch

Refer to the image below:


Design Files

Click to view

Set Up Instructions

Click to view
  • Download dependencies by running npm install
  • Start up the app using npm start

Completion Instructions

Functionality to be added
The app must have the following functionalities

When the app is opened initially,

  • An HTTP GET request should be made to travelGuidePackagesApiUrl
  • loader should be displayed while fetching the data
  • If the HTTP GET request made is successful, the list of packages should be displayed
API Requests & Responses



Method: GET


Returns a response containing the list of packages


        "name":"Best of Paris in 7 days tour",
        "description":"Paris, France capital, is a major European city and a global centre for art, fashion, gastronomy, and culture. Its 19th-century cityscape is crisscrossed by wide boulevards and the River Seine."

Important Note

Click to view

The following instructions are required for the tests to pass

  • The image in each package item should have the alt as the value of the key name from each package object in the packages list
  • Wrap the Loader component with an HTML container element and add the data-testid attribute value as loader to it as shown below
<div data-testid="loader">
  <Loader type="TailSpin" color="#00BFFF" height={50} width={50} />


Hex: #eef4f7
Hex: #334155
Hex: #52bbf0
Hex: #ffffff
Hex: #475569
Hex: #64748b

  • Roboto

Things to Keep in Mind

  • All components you implement should go in the src/components directory.
  • Don't change the component folder names as those are the files being imported into the tests.