Software Engineering 1 Course Projects


Software Engineering 1 Course Projects

Design 0: Create a game using technology you are unfamiliar with I created a shooting range in Unity 3d. It is very raw - some features still in progress - but the backend of my code is structured well and does everything it was asked to do

Design 1-2: Create a list of requirements for a revised Pedestrian Backup System for typical cars. This assignment was meant to be simpler, so it is just a formatted list of things that would be useful to creating the ideal Backup System. Primarily used to reflect my ability to take a series of abstract requirements and turn that abstraction into a physical requirements sheet and define what is needed for the project.

Design 3: Given a hypothetical hotel with 3 types of system actors (managers, staff, and clients), come up with a UML diagram that defines how the actors will interact with the Room Management System and define what features will be included. This assignment was another abstract idea that I needed to define. I created a big chart that showed all the features of the RMS, capable of explaining exactly who gets permission to which features as well as defining all subfeatures of the system.

Design 4: Given your UML Diagram from Design 3, create a Class Diagram that reflects all the data structures needed to propogate this RMS

Design 5: