FreeRTOS on Raspberry Pi Pico
1. Description
In this project, I implement FreeRTOS to run a blink sketch on Pico while Pico also communicate with my computer by Serial.
2. Enviroment
- Set up Pico SDK Enviroment
- Install Cmake
- Install Python
- Install VS Code
- Install MinGW Manager
- Download Pico SDK and Examples
- Install GUN Arm Embedded Toolchain
You can find more information about how to set up Pico C++ Toolchain on windows on shawnhymel website.
- Set up FreeRTOS Enviroment
- Download FreeRTOS-Kernel
- Configure FreeRTOSConfig.h File
- Set up FreeRTOS Enviroment Vairable
3. Write your own Code
You can directly use blink_freertos.uf2 in build folder to your raspberry pi pico, or just cmake yourself.
Note that you must add FREERTOS_KERNEL_PATH Enviroment Vairable to your computer.
I find mamy resources about how to write a FreeRTOS sketch,one of it is PicoCPP's Github repository.
You can also find information about how to write a FreeRTOSConfig.h in his repository.