MR Clinic

A Medical Record Registration Website Platform that helps patients and doctors to make appointments.

This platform also helps everyone to track the history of the disease they have experienced.

Table of Contents

General Information About Testing Project

  • Create Use Case Diagrams, User Stories, Bug Fixing, and Test Case Documentation designers.
  • Perform testing manually (API & WEB) and automatically (API & WEB) with serenity.
  • Presents a summary of manual and automatic test results reports.

Technologies Used

  • Github - Versioning Control
  • Trello - Tracing Management System
  • Google Sheet - Test Case Documentation
  • Postman - API Manual Testing
  • Chrome - Web Driver
  • Java - Programming Language
  • Intellij IDE - Integrated Development Environment
  • Maven - Build and Document the Lifecycle Framework
  • Serenity - TypeScript Application Template Designed
  • Selenium - Automated Testing Framework
  • Rest-Assured - Group of Java Libraries
  • Cucumber - Software Tool that Supports Behavior-Driven Development (BDD)


List Feature MR Clinic here:

Patient Feature

  • Login
  • Register
  • Create an appointment with doctor
  • View medical record
  • View next appointment
  • Logout

Doctor Feature

  • Login
  • Register
  • Create patient new medical record
  • Can view treated patient list
  • View all appointment list
  • See patient detail data
  • View today’s appointment list
  • Logout

Frondesk Feature

  • Login
  • Create new patient
  • Add/edit patient complaint
  • View patient detail data
  • Confirmed appointment
  • View today’s appointment list
  • View all appointment list
  • Create new appointment
  • Logout



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