- 6
#13 opened by youshanxiansheng - 2
#9 opened by ReAlign - 4
example 运行不起来3.22.2
#15 opened by sunjiaming - 0
FLutter 3.2.x
#14 opened by drpetershah1 - 0
Camera view render on UI problem
#12 opened by rajendraaeologic - 13
Video Recording does not work
#2 opened by davidhailu0 - 2
Can't build android demo
#10 opened by bill20509 - 0
How to add watermark to the video stream also change position of the watermark at runtime. I tried adding custom filter but didn't find anything that allows to change position and size of the image
#11 opened by Gaurav-pix - 2
应用后台再回前台,相机画面黑屏。iPhone X 上遇见
#8 opened by barretzhi - 15
Video bitrate and fps extremely low even on powerful android phones. Is it possible to add framerate and bitrate setting ?
#6 opened by DannyFilo - 2
- 11
Full screen video recording
#5 opened by zamargab - 8
Cannot retrieve length of file, path = 'null/beauty_1695798917903.jpg' (OS Error: No such file or directory, errno = 2)
#3 opened by SheepYang1993 - 1
#4 opened by SheepYang1993 - 2
restart camera
#1 opened by AmitNehra1