
Recon scripts for gathering ASNs via organization name and filtering out shared-ASN to avoid out-of-scope domains

ASN Recon

Recon scripts for gathering ASNs via organization name and filtering out shared-ASN to avoid out-of-scope domains


$ git clone https://github.com/MR-Prey3r/asn-recon.git
$ cd asn-recon
$ unzip asn-recon


To get all the available ASNs related to the org name provided (be sure to remove the unwanted org ASN)

echo "org name" | ./asn-grabber | anew asn-list.txt

To get the non-shared ASN only

cat asn-list.txt | awk '{print $1}' | ./lone-asn


Please note that these scripts are prototype projects so these may not be accurate!