- 4
ExistsIn validation fails with non-int backed Enums
#139 opened by fsateler - 1
Change dependency to Humanizer.Core
#168 opened by zabulus - 2
Should have some form of dependency injection
#134 opened by fsateler - 1
Using as PartialView and (Bootstrap) Modal
#147 opened by net4u - 0
WebActivator is unlisted in Nuget
#160 opened by alohaninja - 0
- 6
Append/Prepend overloads that take a lambda
#69 opened by becdetat - 0
- 0
Humanizer dependency
#145 opened by zabulus - 11
Place for asking questions
#146 opened by net4u - 0
- 1
- 0
#149 opened by xenabrooks100 - 2
Project build error
#159 opened by lharland - 0
Changing the default name of the control
#154 opened by mahyarmot - 1
Create inline helper overloads for IFieldConfiguration methods that take a IHtmlString
#136 opened by fsateler - 2
Add / Remove Attributes from elementHtml
#151 opened by mahyarmot - 2
How to update without loosing my code
#138 opened by sergy79 - 1
Is Master Detail suitable?
#140 opened by net4u - 4
Field Configuration Modifiers
#106 opened by robdmoore - 0
- 5
Adding proper extensibility to ChameleonForms
#107 opened by robdmoore - 2
Inline label issue with radio and checkbox lists
#137 opened by jtheisen - 1
ExistsIn doesn't work with list model or sub-properties without duplicating the lookup on the parent model
#131 opened by fsateler - 2
- 3
Add form-level validation summary
#121 opened by gregmac - 4
Required designator does not render in IE8
#108 opened by chriswithpants - 1
- 1
When installing ChameleonForms.TwitterBootstrap3 it uses an old version of ChameleonForms
#100 opened by robdmoore - 4
- 5
- 2
ReadOnlyConfiguration class is redundant
#119 opened by zabulus - 1
TwitterBootstrap3 package should Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.Web.Optimization
#115 opened by BluePowerVan - 4
- 3
- 0
- 1
- 0
Catch NullReferenceException in Compile call in GetValue in DefaultFieldGenerator
#94 opened by robdmoore - 3
Make ChameleonForms assembly to have strong name.
#84 opened by zabulus - 1
- 3
Complications with binding model.
#86 opened by zabulus - 5
With the bootstrap IFieldConfiguration, can you add a class to the "form group" div?
#79 opened by nootn - 1
When validating a 24 hour date on the client-side any time between 00:00:00 and 00:59:59 is considered invalid
#73 opened by robdmoore - 12
New Logo
#82 opened by jason-roberts - 0
.Autofocus() on IFieldConfiguration
#74 opened by robdmoore - 2
.TabIndex() on IFieldConfiguration
#75 opened by robdmoore - 0
- 2
- 1
- 1
.gitattributes madness
#58 opened by robdmoore