
Discord Bot for Traveler Mains Server

Primary LanguageTypeScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Perpetual Mechanical Array Bot

Discord Bot for Traveler Mains Server

Invite link - click here

Bot permissions

Bot Permissions

Hosting & Deployment (Production environment)

If you wish to use this bot in your own server, you will have to modify Constants.ts file and some other places where stuff is hard coded.


Make a copy of sample.env file & rename it to .env.


  1. Create a new Firebase project
  2. Download Firebase admin key
  3. Copy that key into firebase-service-acc folder
  4. Rename that key file into something simple, for eg - firebase-admin-key.json
  5. Copy the file name & paste it into GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS field of the .env file OR
  6. Copy client_email, private_key & project_id from Firebase admin key file & paste it into respective field of .env file. Make sure to copy with double quotes.

Discord Bot Token

  1. Create a new bot
  2. Copy Token (from Bot page) & paste into DISCORD_TOKEN field of the .env file
  3. Copy Server ID & paste into GUILD_ID field of the .env file


There are 2 methods: With docker or Without docker.

With Docker

There are 2 methods: Building container from source or Using pre-built container image. In any case, you will need to install Docker.

Installing Docker

The best way is to install & start Docker Desktop


For headless install (or where there is no GUI available for e.g. Virtual Private Server Environments)

  1. Install Docker Engine
  2. Install Docker Compose

You may also refer this outdated guide

Building Container from source

After Docker is installed, run the following command to start the bot.

# This will install dependencies and transpile Typescript code to Javascript code
npm install
npm run build

# This will create a container from scratch
docker compose up -d
Using pre-built container image

You will not need to clone entire repository in this case. But you need to perform pre-requisites. After you have firebase-service-acc folder & .env file ready, create a file docker-compose.yml and put this:

version: '3.9'

    container_name: perpetual-mechanical-array-bot
    image: ghcr.io/mrdgh2821/perpetual-mechanical-array-bot:latest
      - .env
      - ./firebase-service-acc:/app/firebase-service-acc:ro

Then run:

docker compose up -d

Without Docker

Clone the repo, complete the pre-requisites and do:

Execute the following:

npm install
npm run dev:start

Contributing & Testing

Pull requests are welcome!

If you wish to do some modifications/testing:

  1. Complete the pre-requisites except docker part, as listed in Hosting section
  2. Run:
npm run watch:start

In case of error 401 or 403, you may have to kick out the bot, generate new invite link with bot & application.command scope, invite back the bot & run the command again.

Another solution is to check if the token is set correctly or not. Use console.log(process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN) to check how token looks. Remove any extra quotation marks at start & end of the token.



Help the Dev

This bot is a gift for Traveler Mains discord server, which I have been hosting for free. I'm also bringing new feature updates without charging anything.

If you have benefitted from this bot, and would like to keep the development of this bot active or just want to support me out of good will, please click on the sponsor button.

It will help me keep the bot alive for years to come & keep me motivated to add more features in future.