
Remotely scrape and bulk download data from the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory ftp server. Defunct package, left here as a reference repo for other projects.

Primary LanguageROtherNOASSERTION


From Chrome version 7 onward, Google began removing ftp support from their browser. In early 2021, ftp support was completely removed. Firefox and Edge are following suit. As a result, the dlmet package no longer works as intended (scraping NOAA ftp server file names). I am leaving it up as a repository of useful RSelenium code for my other projects. The remote webdriver still works! NOAA met data can be fetched directly from NOAA servers via e.g. windows explorer.

Package description [DEFUNCT: SEE ABOVE]

dlmet was an R package built for web-scraping filenames from the NOAA ARL archive. Typically when a user seeks to download a piece of data from the NOAA ARL archive, they navigate to the file in question using a web browser and select individual files for download. Downloading multiple files in this manner can be very tedious. Additionally, the NOAA archive can sometimes be inaccessible to standard web browsers for some odd reason.

The dlmet package sped up this process considerably, at least within R. Using two to three functions in a simple workflow, filenames could be scraped from the NOAA archive, parsed, and used for a direct download all in the R environment. dlmet uses RSelenium for the web-scraping of file names, ensuring that said file names are current. The user could easily use the remote web client to download files outside of the original scope for this package, which was to download large volumes of Global Data Assimilation System meteorological data files for use in the HYSPLIT model via splitr.

This package has no affiliation with NOAA.

A simple tutorial

After installation (see below), the user can start up a remote client. The default address is the NOAA archive.


After this, navigating to the desired subfolder of the archive is straightforward.


Scrape all the objects within the page html table.

gdas1_all_items <- grab_objects_onpage()

All the entries on the gdas1 page, including file sizes, the dates they were modified, and the type of entry (i.e. ‘file’ or ‘folder’) are now stored in the Global Environment. After this, we can target specific time periods. e.g. April 2015:

# Cut out tertiary files (i.e. non-standard-met data).
gdas1_all_items <- gdas1_all_items[-(1:12), , drop = TRUE] # First 12 rows are not standard met files.
gdas1_filenames <- gdas1_all_items[-((nrow(gdas1_all_items)-3):(nrow(gdas1_all_items))), , drop = TRUE] # last 4 files are admin files, not met.
# Use grep to target rows for April 2015.
gdas1_April_2015 <- gdas1_filenames[grep("apr15", gdas1_filenames$Name), ]

Now pass this data frame to the download function to get those meteorological files. This function can take a dataframe (such as that returned by grab_objects_onpage), a matrix, or a character vector. If the client is still on the same page, the function current_URL() can be used to easily direct the download function to the current webpage where the files are stored.

dlmet_download(filenames = gdas1_April_2015,
               dl_directory = "D:/TEMP",
               page_url = current_URL(),
               verbose = TRUE,
               suppress_download_popups = TRUE)

Finally, the client should be closed properly to prevent orphaned processes (such as Java) from chewing up system memory.


That’s it! The web scraping functions work by accessing and parsing the XML/HTML contents of the web page. This portion of the functions could be adapted to other web pages, and thus other archives. If you would like to expand upon or suggest improvements to this capability, feel free to fork this package or get in touch.


dlmet requires a few things to work. R must be installed, along with java and Google Chrome. You will also need to download the chromedriver that matches your version of Chrome.

dlmet is hosted on github, and can be installed via the devtools package.


Notes on OS compatibility

Currently dlmet is only tested for Windows. It is unlikely to work on Mac or any other OS at the moment, for a few key reasons. However, these incompatibilities could be ironed out in a subsequent version of the package - I just don’t have access to a Mac.

  1. Terminating a WebDriver client requires a system() call that ends java processes on the system. I am unfamiliar with system commands on other operating systems, but I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that the syntax and process is a bit different.

  2. Installation + running of RSelenium on Mac requires the user to jump a few extra hoops.