This package runs and controls batch simulations of the metacontrol_sim package, it can create contingencies that should result in reconfigurations of the navigation stack.
The experiments use the mros_reasoner
for the reconfiguration, and to run this a java jre is required.
You can use this command To install the Java Vitual Machine.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jre
- We recommend you to create a workspace only for
, for example:
mkdir -p ~/metacontrol_ws/src
cd metacontrol_ws
Note This step will include all the necessary packages, including those listed in the metacontrol_sim package. Please make sure you're not duplicating them.
In the following instructions, we assume that the ROS workspace is called metacontrol_ws
, but you can give it any name you want.
cd ~/metacontrol_ws
wstool init src
rosdep install --from-paths ./src -y -i -r --skip-keys="abb_rws_interface"
Check that all dependencies are installed correctly, please make an issue if you find any errors.
The code can be built using the standard catkin build
cd ~/metacontrol_ws
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
catkin build
There are several scripts, to run a single simulation or to run simulations on a batch.
: Main script, runs a full simulation on a single terminal, the parameter are listed
: Runs a full simulation, but launches three different terminals. Accepts the same parameters
Runs a single simulation on a single terminal. Note: gnome-terminal needs to be installed for this script to
: Both are used to run a batch of simulations, they use therun_single_sim
script whit different configurations at every time.
scripts accept the following parameters:
-i <init_position: (1 / 2 / 3)>
-g <goal_position: (1 / 2 / 3)>
-n <nav_profile: ("fast" / "standard" / "safe" or fX_vX_rX)>
-r <run mros reconfiguration: ("true" / "false")>
-o <add obstacles: (0 / 1 / 2 / 3)>
-p <increase_power: ([0 - 2.0])>
-b <record rosbags: ("true" / "false")>
-e <nfr energy threshold : ([0 - 1])>
-s <nfr safety threshold : ([0 - 1])>
-l <.csv log frequency : [0 - 10]) - 0 Means no .csv logs will be recorded>
-c <close reasoner terminal after execution : ("true" / "false")>
-v <Run RVIZ : ("false" / "true" )>
If no parameters are given the first value is used by default
This launch should result in one or two reconfigurations
source ~/metacontrol_ws/devel/setup.bash
roscd metacontrol_experiments
./ -i 1 -g 1 -n "f1_v2_r2" -o 2 -r "true" -p 1.7 -c "false"
The script opens three additional terminals and one rviz window
- roscore
- Gazebo simulation with MVP metacontrol world.launch
- mros reasoner
The output of the main console (where the script is executed) should be like this
$ ./ -i 1 -g 1 -n "f1_v2_r2" -o 2 -r "true" -p 1.7 -c "false"
Make sure there is no other gazebo instances or ROS nodes running:
kill -2 6644
kill -2 6884
kill -2 7017
Start a new simulation - Goal position: 1 - Initial position 1 - Navigation profile: f1_v2_r2
Launch roscore
Launching: MVP metacontrol world.launch
Launching: mros reasoner
Running log and stop simulation node
... logging to /home/mario/.ros/log/23173622-d894-11ea-a643-3448ed792014/roslaunch-mario-laptop-7964.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://mario-laptop:45471/
* /create_unknown_obstacles_node/goal_nr: 1
* /create_unknown_obstacles_node/obstacles: 2
* /rosdistro: melodic
* /rosversion: 1.14.6
* /stop_simulation_node/data_log_folder: /home/mario/ros/m...
* /stop_simulation_node/increase_power_factor: 1.7
* /stop_simulation_node/store_data_freq: 2.0
create_unknown_obstacles_node (metacontrol_experiments/
stop_simulation_node (metacontrol_experiments/stop_simulation_node)
process[stop_simulation_node-1]: started with pid [8035]
process[create_unknown_obstacles_node-2]: started with pid [8038]
[ INFO] [1596794138.256581525]: [STOP SIM] - Start node
[ INFO] [1596794138.272768379]: [STOP SIM] Will increase power consumption by 1.70 after 0.6 of the path is completed
[ INFO] [1596794138.284240283]: [STOP SIM] Logging to /home/mario/ros/metacontrol_ws/src/metacontrol_experiments/data/log_Metacontrol_sim_07-11_55_38.csv
[ INFO] [1596794138.284347624]: [STOP SIM] Node Initialization Completed
[ INFO] [1596794138.284372739]: Initialized an async multi-thread node.
[ INFO] [1596794138.284544551]: [STOP SIM] - Wait for goal msg
[ INFO] [1596794143.261260103]: [LogData :: goal_callback] - Goal Pos x -8.500000 - y 7.000000
[ INFO] [1596794143.284665200]: [STOP SIM] - Initial goal distance: 19.10
[ INFO] [1596794143.284697029]: [STOP SIM] - Wait for robot to reach the goal
[INFO] [1596794144.564601]: Adding obstacles: 2
[INFO] [1596794144.598565]: Adding obstacles.
[INFO] [1596794144.647856]: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity
[INFO] [1596794144.870407]: SpawnModel: Successfully spawned entity
[create_unknown_obstacles_node-2] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/mario/.ros/log/23173622-d894-11ea-a643-3448ed792014/create_unknown_obstacles_node-2*.log
[ INFO] [1596794178.584661119]: [STOP SIM] - 2 / 3 of the route completed
[ INFO] [1596794178.585825909]: Power consumption increased
[ INFO] [1596794203.200138944]: [LogData :: reconfig_callback] - New configuration requested f1_v2_r1
[ INFO] [1596794207.149323292]: [LogData :: goal_callback] - Goal Pos x -8.500000 - y 7.000000
[ INFO] [1596794210.412765830]: [LogData :: reconfig_callback] - New configuration requested f1_v1_r1
[ INFO] [1596794214.475655073]: [LogData :: goal_callback] - Goal Pos x -8.500000 - y 7.000000
[ INFO] [1596794218.887366611]: [STOP SIM :: stop_simulation] Killing nodes
killing /fake_localization
================================================================================REQUIRED process [stop_simulation_node-1] has died!
process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/mario/.ros/log/23173622-d894-11ea-a643-3448ed792014/stop_simulation_node-1*.log
Initiating shutdown!
[stop_simulation_node-1] killing on exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
Simulation Finished!!
kill -2 6644
kill -2 6884
At the beggining of the script, all previous gazebo and ROS nodes are killed, if there is a gazebo process running or lagging, this may take some time and a message
-- gzserver still running
may appear. -
===REQUIRED process [stop_simulation_node-1] has died!
part, appears red, but it's not an error, is due to the process being terminated at the end of the simulation. -
RViz and the three terminals should close at the end of the simulation. However, if the
-c "false"
option is given, themros_reasoner
terminal will wait for an external input before closing.
Edit the for loops inside ./
to define set of parameters and whether or not to run reconfiguration
Run the script
Two type of logs are available
The stop_simulation_node
subscribes to the topics containing the relevant info for the logs, it extracts the corresponding info (i.e. corresponding key
value from the diagnostics
topic for the QA) and stores them in a .csv
at a given frequency as
- The default storage folder is
"$(find metacontrol_experiments)/data/"
- The storage folder can be modified in the
file - Store frequency can be modified in the
file ( 0 means no recording)
files can be stored if the parameter -b true is given to
scripts- The default storage folder is
"$(find metacontrol_experiments)/bags/"
- The storage folder can be modified in the