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API to deploy at HEROKU

Anyone reading this: you'll need 3 files: 1.First file: requirements.txt containing something like: gunicorn==19.7.1 or whatever the results of pip freeze > requirements.txt are.

2.Second file: Procfile containing something like: web: gunicorn app:app or potentially blank. (Note that app:app in this example is a reference to your python filename. ) It means that every time a web process is declared, and a dyno of this type is started, also run the command gunicorn app:app to start your web server.

3.Can inform the python version on runtime.txt with a text: python-3.8.1

NOW THE DEPLOY: a) $ git add .

b) $ git commit -m "added Procfile and requirements.txt"

c) $ git push heroku master ( to push from your local master branch to the heroku remote.)