Army Phone Numbers

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The Army Phone Numbers (সেনাপ্রহরী) application is a React-based web application designed to provide users with contact numbers for various army camps. It was released on 8 August 2024 after the people of Bangladesh gained independence for the second time from the former ************. After that, there was (and still is, as of 10 Aug 2024) a lack of law and order in the country as many police officers fled and police stations were empty. The army was deployed to maintain law and order. The app was developed to help people contact the military in case of emergencies or to report any incidents.

The app leverages Geolocation to enhance the user experience by allowing users to search for camps based on location. It also includes offline capabilities and a prompt for installing the app as a Progressive Web App (PWA).


  •   Search Functionality: Users can search for army camps by name or description.
  •   Geolocation: Users can search for camps based on their current latitude and longitude.
  •   Offline Support: The app provides a seamless experience even when the user is offline.
  •   PWA Installation: Users can install the app on their devices for a native app-like experience.
  •   Responsive Design: The fully responsive app works well on desktop and mobile devices.

Technologies Used

  •   React: For building the user interface.
  •   Vite: For fast development and build processes.
  •   Tailwind CSS: For styling the application.
  •   Workbox: For offline support and caching.
  •   ESLint: To maintain code quality.
  •   PostCSS: For processing CSS.

Getting Started


Ensure you have the following installed on your machine:

  •   Node.js (version 14 or higher)
  •   npm (version 6 or higher)


  1.  Clone the repository:     git clone     cd army-phone-numbers    
  2.  Install dependencies:     npm install    

Running the Application

  1.  Start the development server:     npm run dev    
  2.  Build the production application:     npm run build    
  3.  Preview the production build:     npm run preview    


To run ESLint and check for code quality issues, use the following command:

npm run lint


  1.  Search for Army Camps: Use the search bar to find army camps by name or description.
  2.  Use Geolocation: Click the location button to search for camps based on your current location.
  3.  Install as PWA: Follow the prompt to install the app on your device for offline use and a native app-like experience.


Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • Built with ❤️ by the students for the people of Bangladesh.


For any inquiries or feedback, please contact MS-Jahan.

Enjoy using the Army Phone Numbers app! 🚀