
a few PowerShell cmdlets to build your own IPA/FreeIPA Powershell management Module

Primary LanguagePowerShell


a few PowerShell cmdlets to build your own IPA/FreeIPA Powershell management Module - https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa

(c) 2018-2020 lucas-cueff.com Distributed under Artistic Licence 2.0 (https://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0).


Build-FreeIPAModule.psm1 PowerShell module provides a set of PowerShell cmdlets to build your own FreeIPA/IPA management module to manage your FreeIPA/IPA infrastructure from Powershell (Core/Classic - Windows/Linux/Mac Os). This module will use JSON_Metadata and env APIs from your IPA Server to dynamically generate all PowerShell functions code and bindings for your personal environment.


For more information on the FreeIPA API, please connect to the web interface on your IPA Server : https://yourIPA.domain.tld/ipa/ui/#/p/apibrowser/type=command Don't forget to trust your IPA AC / ssl certificate locally before using the Powershell Module. Please unload your manage-FreeIPA module before loading the build module because some functions and alias are shared

	C:\PS> Remove-Module Manage-FreeIPA


v0.8 : Add multi config file as requested by baldator + Fix securestring issue reported by nadinezan + add proxy management to connect to IPA + simplify error management in catch

Install Build-FreeIPAModule from PowerShell Gallery repository

You can easily install it from powershell gallery repository https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Build-FreeIPAModule/ using a simple powershell command and an internet access :-)

	Install-Module -Name Build-FreeIPAModule

import module from PowerShell

	C:\PS> import-module Build-FreeIPAModule.psm1

Exported Functions and Alias


  • Export-IPAEnv
  • Export-IPASchema
  • Get-FreeIPAAPIAuthenticationCookie
  • Get-IPABindingCondition
  • Get-IPACmdletBinding
  • Get-IPACmdletBindingValue
  • Get-IPAPCmdletName
  • Get-ScriptDirectory
  • Import-FreeIPAAPICrendentials
  • Invoke-FreeIPAAPIEnv
  • Invoke-FreeIPAAPIJson_Metadata
  • Invoke-FreeIPAAPISessionLogout
  • Publish-IPAModule
  • Set-FreeIPAAPICredentials
  • Set-FreeIPAAPIServerConfig
  • Set-FreeIPAProxy


  • Connect-IPA
  • Disconnect-IPA
  • Get-IPAEnvironment
  • Get-IPAJsonMetadata
  • Import-IPACrendentials
  • Set-IPAServerConfig
  • Set-IPACredentials
  • Set-IPAProxy

Use the module

Build a module based on last FreeIPA version using the official FreeIPA online demo environment

FreeIPA.org provides an online environment for testing purpose with the last official release available. For more information : https://www.freeipa.org/page/Demo

Set your config and be authenticated with your server

Set your encrypted credential in cache for future use and set it also in an external file if necessary (EncryptKeyInLocalFile and MasterPassword)

	C:\PS> Set-IPACredentials -AdminLogin (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "adminlogin" -AsPlainText -Force) -AdminPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "adminpass" -AsPlainText -Force)

Set your FreeIPA server URL info

	C:\PS> Set-IPAServerConfig -URL https://yourIPA.domain.tld

Get your authentication cookie to be authenticated with your APIs

	C:\PS> Connect-IPA -UseCachedURLandCredentials

Export your current environment and schema

Generate your PowerShell environement file from your current IPA environment (default file is IPAEnv.xml)

	C:\PS> Export-IPAEnv

Generate your Powershell schema file from your current IPA environment (default file is IPASchema.xml)

	C:\PS> Export-IPASchema

Managing your network access to IPA front end through web proxy

You can set a proxy (with authentication or not, direct connection...). For instance, to set a proxy with a SSO with current security context :

    C:\PS>Set-IPAProxy -proxy "http://myproxy:3128" -ProxyUseDefaultCredentials

Generate your custom module based on your current IPA configuration

Generate your custom IPA PowerShell management module based on your schema and environment

	C:\PS> Publish-IPAModule -IPASchemaRef "C:\Users\tst\Documents\GitHub\Build-FreeIPAModule\IPAschema.xml" -IPAEnvRef "C:\Users\tst\Documents\GitHub\Build-FreeIPAModule\IPAenv.xml" -BuilderName "You" -Version "1.0" -VersionComment "Your First Release"

	ManifestFileName : C:\Users\tst\Documents\GitHub\Build-FreeIPAModule\Manage-FreeIPA_Build_636781623970522876.psd1
	Version          : 1.0
	Alias            : {Add-IPAAci, Remove-IPAAci, Find-IPAAci, Set-IPAAci...}
	BuildingDate     : 18/11/2018 18:26:37
	ModuleFileName   : C:\Users\lcu\Documents\GitHub\Build-FreeIPAModule\Manage-FreeIPA_Build_636781623970522876.psm1
	Builder          : You
	Changelog        : Your First Release
	Functions        : {Invoke-FreeIPAAPIAci_Add, Invoke-FreeIPAAPIAci_Del, Invoke-FreeIPAAPIAci_Find, Invoke-FreeIPAAPIAci_Mod...}

Disconnect from the server

	C:\PS> Disconnect-IPA

Example : Automate all the things :)

Check the sample script "Sample_Generate-FunctionsFromAPI.ps1" to have some idea ;)