
a toolbox to encrypt automatically file in a folder (FileSystemWatcher) using Cryptographic Message Syntax format (CMS) and a public key (certificate)

Primary LanguagePowerShell



a toolbox to encrypt (protect-cmsmessage) automatically file in a folder (FileSystemWatcher) using Cryptographic Message Syntax format (CMS) and a public key (certificate)

(c) 2018-2019 lucas-cueff.com Distributed under Artistic Licence 2.0 (https://opensource.org/licenses/artistic-license-2.0).


This toolbox can be used to watch (FileSystemWatcher - inotify) a folder and encrypt automatically new file created using the CMS format https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_Message_Syntax and a valid public key (OID and key usage speaking)


To use this module you need Powershell Core or PowerShell 5 for Windows. You need also a valid certificate (OID aka DOCUMENT_ENCRYPTION), see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.security/protect-cmsmessage?view=powershell-6

  • you can use my OpenSSL sample conf file to generate a DEV CA and generate valid user encryption certificate to test it :)


To do ;)

Exported Functions and Alias


  • ConvertFrom-Base64ToBinaryFile
  • ConvertFrom-BinaryFileToBase64
  • Trace-FileSystemFolder

Use the toolbox

Encrypt all text file in your C:\temp folder using test.cer public key

Use Watch-And_Encrypt.ps1 with C:\temp as TargetFolder parameter, c:\temp2\test.cer as TargetCertificate parameter and "*.txt" as FileFilter parameter

	C:\PS> .\Watch-And-AutoEncrypt.ps1 -TargetFolder C:\temp -TargetCertificate c:\temp2\test.cer -FileFilter "*.txt"

Encrypt all binaries file in your c:\temp folder using test.cer public key

Use Watch-And_Encrypt.ps1 with C:\temp as TargetFolder parameter, c:\temp2\test.cer as TargetCertificate parameter , "*.exe" as FileFilter parameter and IsBinaryFile switch

	C:\PS> .\Watch-And-AutoEncrypt.ps1 -TargetFolder C:\temp -TargetCertificate c:\temp2\test.cer -FileFilter "*.exe" -IsBinaryFile


the source file is copied and encrypted into *.enc file and source file is automatically removed after that.


Import the QuickFileEncryption if you have encrypted binary (optional) Import the cetificate with the private key locally (and trust the AC linked also)

Non binary file

	C:\PS> Unprotect-CmsMessage -Path C:\temp\your.txt.enc

binary file

	C:\PS> Unprotect-CmsMessage -Path C:\temp\your.exe.enc | ConvertFrom-Base64ToBinaryFile -OutputFilePath C:\temp\your.exe