A PowerShell helper function to create and write information to a log file
Used to create and output information from functions
This function will write to a log file. You can specify if the log type is: Informational (Info) Debugging (Debugging) Error (Error) This function will by default create a log file in the parent folder of the calling scope, but you can specify a seperate log location if you choose.
The default parameter set for this function is the Info logging, but there are 2 other sets Debug Error
Function call
Write-LogEntry -Info 'This is an informational log event'
20170401T055438 [INFO]: This is an informational log event
Function call
Write-LogEntry -Debugging 'This is an debugging log event'
20170401T055440 [DEBUG]: This is an debugging log event
Function call
Write-LogEntry -Error 'This is an error log event'
20170401T055442 [ERROR]: This is an error log event
Function call
try {
} catch {
Write-LogEntry -Error 'This is an error log event' -ErrorRecord $Error[0]
20170401T055444 [ERROR]: This is an error log event
20170401T055444 [ERROR]: The term 'do-something' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, `
function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, `
or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. `
(CommandNotFoundException: :1 char:7)
Name: Write-LogEntry Created by: Josh Rickard Created Date: 04/01/2017
Write-LogEntry is a PowerShell helper function that will accept or create a log file and add strings based on severity, as well as parse $error[0] records for easy interpretation and readability.