
api for print2a.com

Primary LanguageCSS

Node.js CI

Print2a Filesystem API


This is a REST API and Displays directories on the fileystem.


npm install && npm run start


This is a ECMAScript 2015+ implementation using node 12+ with the relatively recent Node support ESM import syntax.

We use a classic Express routing pattern with query string parameters and typical REST HTTP verbs.

There is no database; persistence is managed with the filesystem using async Node fs operations.

Docker management

We use docker to package the container, with a minimalist Dockerfile.

  • Build: docker build -t <repository>/<image_name> .
  • Run: docker run -p 49160:8080 -d <repository>/<image_name>
  • View processes: docker ps
  • Cleanup containers: docker kill $(docker ps -q)

Local development

Install dependencies: npm install

Run with livereloading using nodemon: npm start which uses nodemon for livereloading.

Management scripts are defined in package.json.


The test suite is managed with Mocha using a BDD sytax.

The existing tests are a good representation of feature coverage provided by the API.

Swagger API documentation

Each API endpoint is fully documented with inline JSDoc comments (in [src/server.js]) and a we use Swagger UI Express to build a Swagger spec and render a Swagger UI at /api-docs.