An Extreamly Customizable Coupon Bot for your Discord Server! Now with slash Commands

Primary LanguagePython


Just another Discord Coupon Bot

GitHub commit activity GitHub last commit

What is this Garbage?

This Discord bot was created to generate personalized coupons for server users. With this bot, admins will be able to generate, distribute, delete and control coupons for their servers!


The bot uses slash command (/) for all of its commands.

  • /help: Shows an help message (will be added in the next Update, so maybe tomorrow)

  • /gen_coupon <discount>: Generate a new coupon with the specified discount.

  • /list_coupon: Shows a list of all created coupons

  • /check_coupon <code>: Analyze a coupon to see if it is fake or is present in the database (practically sees if it exists or not)

  • /delete_coupon <code>: Delete a specified coupon

  • /use_coupon <code>: Uses a specified coupon


  1. Clone the repository to a local machine
  2. Create a new Discord bot and get the access token
  3. Enter the directory and install the reqs using the pip install -r req.txt command
  4. Edit the config.py file to your liking
  5. Start the bot by running the python main.py command


This project is open to contributions. If you'd like to contribute, please submit a pull request with your changes.


This project may be modified, adapted, and published by other users, always give credit to the original authors (us: MSK Developing Team)

Why no more updates?

I started this project as a demo, so now that it was pushed in production, i don't know if i will be able to update it any futher.

I don't think i will abandon it completely, so maybe expect an update once/twice a month

Anyways, if you want to add any feature, create an issue here on GitHub (or message me on discord). If you want to contribute, PLEASE do so.