
A system to manage migrations within an Angular application.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Angular migrations

A package to manage migrations within an Angular application. Angular migrations makes it easier to create local tables and manage their structure. It includes a schema builder to create, alter or drop tables.


Note: this requires angular ^6.1.0

Add the package via your favorite package manager.

yarn add @msml/angular-migrations

npm i @msml/angular-migrations

Create a migration.

// ./create-users-table.migration.ts

import { Schema, Migration } from '@msml/angular-migrations';

export class CreateUsersTable extends Migration {
    public name = 'create_users_table';

    up(): Array<Promise<any>> {
        return [
            Schema.create('users', (b) => {
                b.column('id', 'integer', ['PRIMARY KEY', 'AUTOINCREMENT']);
                b.column('name', 'string');
                b.column('email', 'string');

    down(): Array<Promise<any>> {
        return [];

Add the migration module to your main AppModule.

// app.module.ts

import { MigrationModule, Migration } from '@msml/angular-migrations';

// Import the migration you just created
import { CreateUsersTable } from './create-users-table.migration'

// Create a new factory method that creates your migrations
export function myMigrationFactory(): Migration[] {
    return [
        // Add the migration to the factory
        new CreateUsersTable()

    imports: [

        // Insert the module in your root module

export class AppModule {}

Create an SQL service that implements the SQLService (this example only works in browsers).

import { SQLService } from '@msml/angular-migrations';

const win: any = window;

export class BrowserSQLiteService implements SQLService {

    protected db;

    constructor() {
        this.db = win.openDatabase(
            5 * 1024 * 1024

    public query(query: string, bindings: any[]): Promise<{ [key: string]: any }[]> {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            this.execute(query, bindings).then(response => {
                const rows: { [key: string]: any }[] = [];

                for (let i = 0; i < response.res.rows.length; i++) {

            }, response => {
                    query: {
                        statement: query,
                        bindings: bindings
                    err: response.err

    protected execute(query, bindings): Promise<{
        tx: any,
        res: any
    }> {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            try {
                // Generate a new transaction
                    (tx: any) => {
                        // Execute the sql and handle exceptions when it fails
                            (tx: any, res: any) => resolve({tx: tx, res: res}),
                            (tx: any, err: any) => reject({tx: tx, err: err})
                    (err: any) => {
                        reject({err: err});
            } catch (err) {
                reject({err: err});



When certain migrations should be executed one after another, you can add them in the constructor as follows:

new CreateUsersTable([
    new AddCreatedAtToUsersTable([
        new removeCreatedAtFromUsersTable(),
    new AddActiveToUsersTable(),

Child modules

You can add migrations in child modules using the forChild method provided with a factory. These migrations will only be executed when the child module is included within the app module.

// ./modules/fiend/app.module.ts

import { MigrationModule, Migration } from '@msml/angular-migrations';

// Import the migration you just created
import { CreateFriendsTable } from './create-friends-table.migration'

// Create a new factory method that creates your migrations
export function myMigrationFactory(): Migration[] {
    return [
        // Add the migration to the factory
        new CreateFriendsTable()

    imports: [

        // Insert the module in your root module

export class ChildModule {}