All AI Club projects in Fall 2022
Our goal is to create an Instagram filter using Spark AR and Java Script. Our current plan is to develop this project on Spark AR and later we can create a filter using Java Script. Additionally we will publish that filter on Instagram.
jisha9584 |
Our goal is to build a "Google Maps"-style application that guides the user around the inside of a building. Our current plan is to develop this project on a small scale for desktop, then eventually scale up to a mobile app. We will use AI image/video processing, device location services, and pathfinding algorithms to determine where the user is currently located and what actions they should take to get to their destination.
townsonr |
AtharvaKirkole |
RSeeth947 |
leestep9 |
ProgramRush |
mwaleeed |
tegascott |
- A browser extension which will take the selected text on a website as input and create a concept map out of it.
- This project is aimed at providing an alternative way to represent information metioned in text as a graph for easier interpretation.
Kuldeep Singh |
Mohammad Alshaikhusain |
Reeve Fernandes |
Mark Tungul |
Gurpreet Singh |
Michael Plante |
Jonas Groening |
A Multi-feature Discord Bot with the main goals are being able to use Natural Language Processing to make conversing in Discord a safer and toxicity-free place, to actively check when questions related to the club are asked in chat, detecting these questions and answering them using a large dataset of information regarding the AI Club and finally a simple but efficient system of tracking member activity and displaying this data in a descriptive, easy-to-read and informative manner.
![]() Tanay Reddy |
Bryan Tran |
Emily Feuer |
Abdullah Baqai |
Pranav Premchand |
Sudhanva Pulvender |
Tanmay Grandhisiri |
This project's aim is for predicting the state of fetus inside the mother's womb. Our plan is to create an web app that will allow doctors to understand whether the condition of baby inside is Normal(which is ok), Suspect(something should be taken care of) or Pathelogical(something serious). With the help of Neural Networks, Hyperparameter Optimization and Web Development we will assist doctors to make sure that baby inside the mother's womb is in sound condition!!!
Techdevweb |
katietut |
MarcusHu529 |
juancsabogal |
sthuy9804 |
KoyaS |
Goob16 |
This project ultilizes data collected from our friends Spotify accounts. We use their listening history as well as their responses to a personality questionaire to create an accurate dataset. With this dataset, we are training a model to identify a person's personality based on factors prevelent in their music taste.
Zane Aridi |
Aaryan Walia |
Blenda |
Brian Kim |
Joanna |
Mann Aswal |
Kevin |
The aim of this project is to enhance security when modifying encrypted data. Using homomorphic encryption and neural networks, our goal is to make an app that takes in data from the user, encrypts it, and then modifies the encrypted data without decryption. The user then can access the changed data.
DoctorLouWho |
ajaykumar2k25 |
anvita-g |
crandalllauryn |
andrewchiu1203 |
haniyyasurayya |
Scarcedust |
8. AI firewall
The purpose of our project is to develop a Web Application Security Service for the AI Club and any other person that wishes to use. This will be either in a form of IPS/IDS or an Intelligent WAF (Web App Firewall), Combining Computer Security and Artificial Intelligence into this cutting-edge technology.
Y0uk1tsun3 |
satyabyreddy |
pprahlada |
jyax |
felixliang50779 |
We aim to create a web application that translates American Sign Language into English. We will use hand/finger tracking and possibly pose detection to recognize individual signs, which is then translated into English by natural language processing.
spesthecat |
adityapandey1221 |
grosskir |
michaelborek |
Dao Hoang Anh |
langerno |
npaigalikar |
AI for the board game Monopoly that will be trained by Reinforcement Learning. It's name is Milburn. After living a long and succesfull life it was time for Mr. Milburn Pennybags to come to terms that his life is almost over. Behind him he left the biggest real-estate empire known to humankind. But, he could not accept the fact that it all may disapear since he does not have a worthy successor. So he came up with an idea to hire data scientists from MSU to build him an AI that will be as good as him and if not better. His goal is to make this AI own the world! Will the team create a money making machine or a money burner, we shall find out...
makibrte(Mateja) |
nicholasdly |
ccicchella |
NhatMinh12(Ken) |
RyanFilipiak |