Mura 7.1 plugin to manage redirections within Mura administration and keep usage statistics. Supports regular expressions.
Variables: $protocol
(primary protocol), $domain
(primary domain), $primary
(primary protocol and domain)
Note about the path trailing slash
Mura adds a slash at the end of the URL if there is not one already.
To match, all source paths should end with a /
The trailing slash can be removed by using a regular expression,
for instance ^(.*)/
to capture all the path without the trailing slash.
Usage examples
Change a page path
These paths are exact, /a/b/
will not be affected.
Path: /a/
Target: /b/
Change a path using a regular expression
Path: ^/a/(.*)
Path regular expression: checked
Target: /b/\1
Redirect a domain to a specific path in the primary protocol and domain
Target: $primary/b
Redirect a domain to primary protocol and domain, preserving the path
Path: ^(.*)
Path regular expression: checked
Target: $primary\1
Redirect all other domains to primary protocol and domain, preserving the path
Domain: ^(?!$domain)
Domain regular expression: checked
Path: ^(.*)
Path regular expression: checked
Target: $primary\1
Redirect to a different domain, preserving the protocol and the path
Path: ^(.*)
Path regular expression: checked
Target: //\1
Redirect a path to a different domain, removing the added trailing slash
Path: ^(/a.*)/
Path regular expression: checked
Redirect to primary domain, preserving the protocol and the path
Path: ^(.*)
Path regular expression: checked
Target: //$domain\1
Redirect to HTTPS, preserving the domain and the path
Protocol: http
Domain: ^(.*)
Domain regular expression: checked
Path: ^(.*)
Path regular expression: checked
Target: https://\1\2