flutter icapps translations
A dart package to automaticly download translations from the icapps translation tool.
This repo contains an example how to use this package.
Packages used:
- flutter_localizations
- shared_preferences
- provider
- kiwi
- icapps_translations
Add dependency to pubspec
icapps_translations: <latest-version>
Add config to pubspec
Add your locale folder to the assets to make use all your translations are loaded.
- assets/locale/
Add the icapps_translations config to fetch the latest translations
api_key: 'enter-your-api-key'
default_language: 'nl'
languages: ['en', 'nl']
locale_assets_path: 'assets/locale/' //This is the location where your json files should be saved.
assets_path: 'assets/locale/' //This is the location where your json files are located in your flutter app.
set an env variable for your api_key
Run package with Flutter
flutter packages pub run icapps_translations
Run package with Dart
pub run icapps_translations
Arguments are supported as of 0.1.3
You can pass a String or a num to as an argument.
Formatting for String: %1$s Formatting for num: %1$d
The number in between % and $ indicate the index of the argument. It is possible to place an argument in 1 language first but in another second:
ex (Grammatically incorrect but it makes my point):
nl '%1$s, ik woon in %2$s. Wist je dat niet?' => KOEN, ik woon in ANTWERPEN. Wist je dat niet?
fr 'I live in %2$s. You didn't knew that %1$s?" => I live in ANTWERP. You didn't knew that KOEN?
Working on mac?
add this to you .bash_profile
flutter packages get && flutter packages pub run icapps_translations
now you can use the icapps translations with a single command.