A full-Stack multi-user Blogging platform to share blogs with the community.
- 💻 JavaScript | ES6
- 🌐 NextJS | Node.js | Express.js | MongoDB
- 🔧 Git | Markdown
- 📦 Material-UI, bcrypt.js, jsonwebtoken, mongoose, redux, next-redux-wrapper, react-router-dom, nprogress, validator, axios, Formik, redux-thunk, yup, redux-persist, React-Quill, react-render-html, slugify, express-validator, formidable, shortid, string-strip-html, lodash, morgan, moment.js .
Open the LIVE DEMO to try Crux Station yourself.
Disclaimer: There could be delay in responses due as the app is hosted on shared community servers (non-production grade servers).
- Authentication.
- User must signup and signin to verify their identity to use the application.
- Bcryptjs and JWT used for authentication.
- Role management is implemented.
- Route guarding is implemented for private routes.
- Maximum allowed login per user is implemented.
- SEO Friendly
- Content is rendered server side on first load to help web crawler bots index site.
- NextJS server side rendering utilized.
- Categories
- Blogs are associated with categories.
- List of all categories on home page to for easier access.
- List all blogs related to single category.
- Admin users can perform CRUD on categories.
- Tags
- Blogs are associated with tags.
- List all blogs related to single tag.
- Admin users can perform CRUD on tags.
- Blogs
- Non authenticated can view the blogs.
- Authenticated users can perform CRUD on blogs written by them.
- Each blog can is indexed to be searched easily.
- Rich content text editor is provided for creating new blog.
- Blogs list sorted to show latest posts first.
- User Profile
- Users have access to moderate their public profile
- Blogs Search
- search bar is available in all pages.
- search key words are searched against blog body and titles to narrow to relevant results
- Commenting
- Disqus commenting system implemented.
- Autheticated users can comment on the individual blogs.
- Likes
- Autheticated users can like and unlike posts.
- Non-Authenticated users will be greeted with dialog to signup.
- Content Moderation
- Privelaged admin users can moderate the content quality of blogs over time.
- Admin users can take down blogs based on voilation of rules.
- Dark Mode
- Dark Mode implemented using the materialUI theming.
- Infinite Scroll
- Infinite scroll implemented on blogs list.