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[BUG] charging bolt ⚡️
#9 opened by saeedbalkhair - 0
Increase battery label font size
#20 opened by MTACS - 0
battery percentage issue
#19 opened by xNwc7 - 2
[support for CarPlay]
#11 opened by ceedveed - 1
Does it work on iPads?
#7 opened by 4193883-eng - 1
[FEATURE]Make Ampere compatible to Prysm
#13 opened by olivertzeng - 1
[FEATURE] Option to remove battery icon
#12 opened by jebediah2 - 4
[FEATURE] hide the charging bolt when the battery level reaches 100 just like ios 16.
#8 opened by saeedbalkhair - 0
[BUG] Battery icon isn’t coloured on the left
#10 opened by Dr-Sauce - 1
- 0
- 0
[BUG] Normal battery color not being synced with other elements of the status bar
#5 opened by keychain2db - 0
- 1
#1 opened by mmanpreett