
A simple API to provide access to mihome gosund outlet.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains basic library file to implement controls(on/off) of Mihome Gosund Plugs.


First install required dependencies using

pip install -r requirements.txt

Copy gosund_plug.py and miio.py to your working directory.

Import GosundPlug class and you are ready to go :)


from gosund_plug import GosundPlug

usage = GosundPlug("YOUR IP ADDRESS", "YOUR TOKEN'S HERE")
example = GosundPlug("", "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff")

print(example.status()) # Returns a boolean which value is True when it's on and False when it's off

example.on() # Switch on
example.off() # Switch off


Miio protocal: https://github.com/OpenMiHome/mihome-binary-protocol

Gosund Plug control: https://github.com/rytilahti/python-miio/blob/miot_basics/miio/gosund_plug.py