
Bot for ToBeFree's #linux channel on EsperNet, and a Lua-based IRC library

Primary LanguageC

A Lua-based IRC library and a rewrite of TuxBot based on it.

irc.lua: The IRC library. eventloop.lua: Simple socket.select-based event loop. bot.lua: Plugin-based bot using the above libraries. plugins/ and config*.lua: Configuration and plugins for bot.lua that do most of the functionaltiy of the original TuxBot.

The library only depends on LuaSocket (and optionally LuaSec of you want SSL). The responses.lua bot plugin also depends on LPeg.

bot.lua Usage

lua bot.lua <config file> <plugins dir>

The config file defaults to config.lua, the plugin dir defaults to plugins.


The configuration file is a Lua script that should return a table with these fields:

  • identities A list of identities. Keys should be strings (the identity names), and values should be tables with the following fields:
    • username
    • realname
    • userinfo (optional)
    • quitmessage (optional)
    • nick
  • networks The networks to join. Keys should be strings (the network names), and values should be fables with the following fields:
    • address
    • port (optional, defaults to 6667)
    • ssl (optional)
    • channels The list of channels to join. Entries can be number keys with channel names as values, or channel name keys with table values, which have the following entries:
      • command_prefixes (optional) The list of command prefixes to use in this channel instead of the dafault.
    • identity
    • command_prefixes (optional) The list of command prefixes to use in this network instead of the default.
    • ignore (optional) A list of patterns. If a message's sender prefix matches the pattern, do not process any bot commands in the message.
    • sentcolor (optional) A terminal color code to use for sent messages in the console.
    • receivedcolor (optional) A terminal color code to use for received messages in the console.
  • command_prefixes The list of prefixes (specified as Lua patterns) to use for bot commands.
  • no_command_message (optional) The message to use when a bot command isn't found. "%s" is replaced with the command name.
  • plugins A table containing plugins. Keys should be plugin id strings, values should be tables with the following entries:
    • [1] The filename of the plugin.
    • [2] (optional) The value to pass to the plugin as its configuration.

The Plugin API

Each plugin has its own env table, with these fields:

  • The standard library.
  • config The plugin's config from the config file.
  • irc The irc module.
  • socket The socket module from LuaSocket.
  • bot
    • event_handlers An originally empty table. To receive events, add a key named like the event (prefixed with tracker_ if it's a ChannelTracker event) with a function or list of functions as the value. For receivedmessage_pre, receivedmessage_post, and tracker_receivedmessage events, an extra "ignored" arg is given to the function, that says if the message's sender is in the configured ignore list.
    • plugins A table with loaded plugin names as keys and their envs as values. This is so plugins can use functions from other plugins.
    • eventloop The event loop.
    • clients A table with irc.Client instances as keys, and a table with the following entries as values:
      • name The network name.
      • tracker The irc.ChannelTracker instance.
    • clientsbyname A table with network names as keys and their irc.Client instances as values.
    • commands To add bot commands, add an entry to this table with the command name as the key and the callback function as the value.
    • reply(msg, text) A convenience function to reply to a PRIVMSG message. Automatically detects whether the message was sent to a channel or private, and replies to the channel/back to the sender.
    • plugins A table with plugin names as keys and tables with the following entries as values:
      • env The plugin's global env table.
      • commands
        • [1] The handler function.
        • help The help message.