Quasar spectra and absorption profile fits associated with Murphy & Cooksey (2017, MNRAS, accepted)
Read this README, and view/download/use the files within this repository, in conjunction with a careful read of the paper itself.
If you use any of the materials in this repository, please cite the paper. If you want to cite only the data and/or fits (for some reason), please use the DOI:
The paper is available at the following websites, in published or pre-print form:
– MNRAS (via DOI): 10.1093/mnras/stx1949
– NASA/ADS: 2017arXiv170800014M (to be updated once final version is published)
This repository contains a folder for each quasar, named using the quasar name (used in the paper), i.e. J0120+2133 and J1944+7705.
Each quasar folder contains one or more sub-folder which is the nominal redshift of the absorption system fitted in the paper (e.g. 1.3254).
Each redshift folder contains the following files:
– FITS file or files containing the "master spectrum" used in the profile fits to the absorber. The FITS files were produced using UVES_popler;
– fit_iso.f13: Absorption profile parameter file containing the final parameter values determined by VPFIT (as at the end of the fit_iso.f18 file). The absorption profile fit was run in VPFIT using the commented-out command in the first line of this file.
– fit_iso.f18: Record of VPFIT iterations, ending with the parameters in fit_iso.f13 and including the parameter statistical uncertainties.
– MM_VPFIT_2013-11-10.dat: Copy of the atomic data file used by VPFIT from the repository associated with Murphy & Berengut (2014, MNRAS, 438, 388, arXiv:1311.2949).
– vp_setup.dat: The setup file for VPFIT used to run the fit in fit_iso.f13
The other files in the top-level directory include a table of all 27 recent, distortion-correct/resistant measurements of alpha in quasar absorbers (tab_alpha_results.tex), and all files needed to produce the plots in the paper (plus a couple that were not included) via the ipython notebook "plots_for_paper.ipynb".