
Chrome extension that automatically adds IDMB ratings to Netflix movies and TV-shows, with 0 extra clicks

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Chrome extension that automatically adds IDMB ratings to Netflix movies and TV-shows, with 0 extra clicks

Netflix is the largest video streaming service in the world, and yet its default "video appraisal method" is terrible. Netflix used to give an objective star-based rating, aggregated from its users' input. Now it just tries to guess what you like. This is why I made the IMDB Netflix Augmenter. It adds IMDB rating data directly in Netflix's DOM, in the appropriate spots, so you don't have to waste your energy with even a single extra click.

To make it, first I spent a lot of time inspecting Netflix's HTML, and seeing where they may have stored data, that I can use to search in a database, in order to extract ratings. However, it turns out (as far as I was able to tell) that the only place where the name and year of a Netflix video is in sections of the DOM that are initially hidden, until the user tries to access them. So I decided I would use a Mutation Observer to detect when a user opens a section of the DOM that was previosuly hidden, and if it has the info I need, I made made a HTTPRequest to the OMDB API (it's pretty much a wrapper on top of multiple movie databases), and then add it to the info page of the movie/tv-show

This was a really fun project to work on! I had never used a RESTful API, or manipulated the DOM before. I learned alot about javascript and about how websites are structured, and this project inspired me to learn jQuery! I didn't actually use it in this project, but since jQuery is great for manipulating the DOM, and I enjoyed doing that, I decided to give it a whirl, and I ended up using it in the making of this website!

There's lots I still want to do to improve the chrome extension, such as making rating display overtop of all thumbnails as soon as Netflix loads, and fixing a few minor bugs, for which I've figured out the cause but not resolved yet. It should be on the chrome store soon (I've submitted it for review), and I hope you enjoy it.

Note: Netflix has since updated its UI and as a result this extension is currently not functional. I don't currently have any intentions to fix that, as I am more focused on exploring other projects and ideas that I have, as well as learning about